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Caucus Membership

Rep. Jeff Fortenberry
House Caucus Membership
110th Congress

  • Congressional Biofuels Caucus
  • Congressional West Africa Caucus
  • Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus
  • Congressional Farmer Cooperative Caucus
  • Coalition on Autism Research and Education
  • House Beef Caucus
  • House Rural Health Care Coalition
  • Congressional Caucus of Uganda
  • Congressional Life Insurance Caucus
  • House Small Brewers Caucus
  • Civil War Battlefield Caucus
  • Czech Caucus
  • Congressional Community Pharmacy Coalition
  • Congressional Children’s Study Working Group
  • Congressional Children’s Health Care Caucus
  • Rural Veterans Caucus
  • House 4-H Caucus
  • Green Schools Caucus
  • House Native American Caucus
  • House Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Caucus

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