Financial Services

Financial Services

"As a Representative from New York City, the international capital of capital, I am always working to promote the Financial Services industry and the jobs they produce in the City."
    Creating New York City Jobs
  • Helped lure Citibank to open and expand their operations in Queens, employing thousands of people
  • Working with the SEC to promote sound policies and regulations for the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ, and to ensure that their growth equals growth for jobs in New York City

  • Keeping New York Safe
  • Lead Democrat in working to pass legislation to toughen our nation's laws regarding direct foreign investment to put national security first, while also ensuring the flow of jobs and revenue into out City and country
  • One of the leaders in Congress in passing a 2-year extension of Federal terrorism insurance to protect our city from another terror attack

  • Protecting Consumers
  • Helped to pass into law language to protect Americans who have their identity stolen or breached, such as that which happened to millions of veterans earlier in 2006
  • Working to eliminate predatory lending and reverse mortgage scams, especially on vulnerable senior citizens, through financial education
  • Fighting for legislation to clarify fees and limit costs on the sending of remittances, as well as working to ensure the legitimacy and legality of matricula consular cards

  • Promoting Housing
  • Worked to include a massive multi-billion dollar housing construction program in Federal GSE legislation
  • This legislation would create a tough new oversight board for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
  • Working to protect the residents of Mitchell-Lamas whose owners are trying to leave the program, including the Park Lane Houses in the Bronx

  • Ensuring Available Housing for All Residents
  • Helping secure Section 8 housing to keep Queens and Bronx families with an affordable roof over their head, as well as working to ensure maintenance and upkeep are done on those buildings
  • Voted for legislation to provide teachers, police officers and fire fighters working in New York City reduced down payments and other Federal incentives to buy homes in the City
  • Leading Congressional charge with Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-Manhattan) to increase funding for the Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) program
Animal Rights
Civil Rights
Financial Service
Local Projects
Foreign Affairs
Homeland Security
Women's Health
Health Care
La Guardia
2404 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
74-09 37th Ave Suite 306-B
Jackson Heights, NY 11372
Co-op City
177 Dreiser Loop
Bronx, NY 10475
2800 Bruckner Blvd
Bronx, NY 10465