U.S. House of Representatives Seal U.S. Congressman
Congressman James E. Clyburn
Sixth District, South Carolina

News Release

1703 Gervais Street  .  Columbia, SC 29201  .  (803) 799-1100  .  Contact: Hope Derrick
October 8, 2002
Congressman Clyburn Helps Secure Grant for Substance Abuse

Prevention in Orangeburg Schools

(Washington, DC) -  Sixth District Congressman James E. Clyburn announces Orangeburg County and the Tri-County Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse has received a $499,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Center for Substance Abuse Treatment for its Open Horizons program.  This federal funding will expand and enhance this exciting program that provides intervention services to students with substance abuse problems in Orangeburg County alternative school programs.

            "Open Horizons gives hope and real help to teenagers before they wind up in the criminal justice system," Congressman Clyburn said.  "I believe this program provides an innovative opportunity to turn around substance abusers while allowing them to remain in school and with a supportive family structure."

            Despite the strength of the grant application, it almost didn't receive consideration for funding.  When the Tri-County Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse was informed the proposal would not get reviewed, Executive Director Richard Fowler contacted Congressman Clyburn to intervene. 

            "I contacted the agency and expressed support for the application and its consideration," Congressman Clyburn said.  "I knew if Open Horizons stood on its own merit, it would be approved for funding."

            The program will use extensive therapy with 15-17 year-old substance abusers and their families to improve outcomes by using parents and guardians as agents of change.  The outcomes of Open Horizons will be decreased substance abuse, decreased juvenile justice system involvement, improved school performance, increased employment skills and a better family life.  This program is a collaboration with Orangeburg Consolidated School Districts 3, 4 and 5 and other community service providers.

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