Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Defense and Security

Tierney Statement on GAO Defense Supplier Base Report

Today, Chairman John F. Tierney issued the following statement with respect to a newly issued Government Accountability Office (GAO) report he requested as part of his sustained oversight into the ability of the Defense Department to manage the health of its supplier base.

"The new GAO report indicates that the Defense Department's ad hoc and inconsistent management approach over its supplier base may lead to critical shortages or supply gaps of military equipment, components, and technology. These failures to coordinate with industry, to share information, and an over reliance on good behavior by contractors continue to plague the Pentagon. I call on Defense Department leaders to implement the GAO recommendations, and to ensure that strong oversight mechanisms are put in place so that our national security is not jeopardized. We must ensure that our country continues to have access to the weapon components and technologies we need to keep Americans safe."