
February 18th, 2009

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2007 Accomplishments

A New Day In America

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Congresswoman Diana DeGette and her colleagues in Congress have ushered in a new day in America.  From setting a course toward energy independence, to conducting meaningful oversight on the Bush administration, Congress is working hard to build a new direction for America.  Among its many accomplishments, Congress has:


  • Increased corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) standards for cars and light trucks to 35 miles per gallon by 2020, a 10 mpg increase.  This is the first congressional change in CAFE standards in 32 years. 


  • Mandated that 36 billion gallons of ethanol and other biofuels be used anually by 2022.


  • Required advances in energy efficient light bulbs and home appliances.


  • Increased the Federal mimnum wage for the first time in a decade to $7.25 per hour. 


  • Instituted key components of the homeland security recommendations from the 9/11 commission report. 


  • Strengthend lobbying accountability and congressional ethics rules.


  • Required more transparency for "earmarks" in the budget process.


  • Extended the ban on internet taxes until 2014.


  • Overhauled inadequate pharmeceutical regulations and created new drug safety programs


  • Cut interest rates for Federally subsidized student loans in half over the next four years.


 What's Next

While Congress has accomplished much, there is more to do.  Obstructionist tactics from the minority in Congress, and vetoes from President Bush, have stalled important change.  Looking ahead to the second session, Congress will continue to fight for these key initiatives:


  • Set troop withdrawl timetables to end the war in Iraq.


  • Enhance the State Children's Heath Insurance Program (SCHIP) so that all low-income children have access to health care.


  • Lift the Federal ban on life-saving embryonic stem cell research and establish strict ethical standards.


  • Overhaul the nation's flawed immigration system.


  • Ensure consumer safety by strengthening the Consumer Product Safety Comission.


  • Update and reform "No Child Left Behind."


  • Expand compensation workers who have lost thier jobs due to outsourcing.


  • Authorize medicare to use its buying power to negotiate for lower drug prices.


  • Continue to curb global climate change.


For more information on the prioities of the democratic leadership in congress, visit Speaker Pelosi's website.