U.S. Congressman Jeff Miller - Florida's First District
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Committee Assignments
  House Armed Services Committee
The oversight responsibilities of the Committee on Armed Services are conducted primarily within the context of the committee's consideration of the annual defense authorization bill. This legislation covers the breadth of the operations of the Department of Defense as well as a significant portion of the annual operating budget of the Department of Energy. Nearly 500 billion dollars, the annual national defense budget involves millions of military and civilian personnel, thousands of facilities, and hundreds of agencies, departments, and commands located throughout the world.
  House Committee on Veteran's Affairs
The House Committee on Veterans' Affairs reviews veterans' programs, examines current laws, and reports bills and amendments to strengthen existing laws concerning veterans and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), such as for health care, disability compensation, GI bill education and job training, home loan guarantees, life insurance policies, and a nationwide system of veterans' cemeteries.
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