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Congresswoman Hilda Solis, 32nd District of Califonia: logo
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Congresswoman Hilda Solis: Issues Section.  Images of Hilda with constituents
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Congresswoman Solis voted against the authorization to use force in Iraq in 2002 and remains seriously concerned about the Bush Administration's handling of the Iraq conflict. Below is her statement on Iraq:

"I voted against the authorization to use force in Iraq in 2002. The concerns that led me to oppose the decision to use force remain, and I strongly disagree with policies that endorse preemptive wars and ignore the need for broad international support. I am a proud member of the Out of Iraq Caucus because I believe the United States needs to focus on establishing clear, specific goals to help establish peace in an Iraq run by Iraqis and bring our troops home.

"I also feel strongly that the United States must work diligently to repair our relations with our allies and countries with which we have had good relations. We must demonstrate a willingness to be a partner in order to combat global problems, instead of a nation of unilateral actions. We will need a strong coalition of allies to rebuild Iraq, to continue our war against terrorism, and to confront the nuclear crisis in North Korea. War should always be our last option.

"Although I strongly disagree with the policies that led to the war in Iraq, I stand firmly behind our men and women in uniform. Over 250,000 of our brave men and women in the armed forces are currently serving in the Middle East. Thousands more are defending us here at home and around the world. Many of these soldiers hail from our own families and communities here in East Los Angeles and the San Gabriel Valley. I believe our troops should have the best equipment available to help protect them from the dangers of war and that active duty and veterans should have access to the best health care available.

"I join all Americans in praying for our men and women in uniform and their families during this difficult time, and I look forward to welcoming them home soon."
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Suite 211
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Phone: (626) 448-1271
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Phone: (323) 307-9904
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