U.S. Congressman Jeff Miller - Florida's First District
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Miller Newsletter
Prescription Drug Program Information
Audio Clips:

Miller Intro (wav - 491.3 KBs)
Jeff Miller's Veterans' Day Greeting (mp3 - 277.6 KBs)
Jeff Miller: Day in the Life (Part 1) (mp3 - 4.4 MBs)
Jeff Miller: Day in the Life (Part 2) (mp3 - 4.4 MBs)
Global Warming (mp3 - 3.0 MBs)
Credit Cards for Illegal Immigrants (mp3 - 3.0 MBs)
Iraq Emergency War Supplemental (mp3 - 3.1 MBs)
Congressman Miller on Hate Crimes Bill (mp3 - 3.5 MBs)
Intel Bill and Global Warming (mp3 - 2.7 MBs)
Memorial Day (mp3 - 3.7 MBs)
Amnesty (mp3 - 3.3 MBs)
Miller on Habeas Corpus for Terrorists (mp3 - 3.0 MBs)
Rep. Jeff Miller on ENDA (mp3 - 3.4 MBs)
Flag Folding (mp3 - 2.9 MBs)
Time to finish the nation's business (mp3 - 3.8 MBs)
Budget and Taxes (mp3 - 3.2 MBs)
Tax Day 08 (mp3 - 3.6 MBs)
War Supplemental 2008 (mp3 - 2.6 MBs)
Honor Flight Newsletter May 2008 (mp3 - 3.1 MBs)
GOP Ideals (mp3 - 3.3 MBs)
Congressional Earmarks - June 2007 (mp3 - 2.4 MBs)
Energy Independence and the price of going "Green" (mp3 - 4.9 MBs)
Energy Newsletter (mp3 - 3.2 MBs)

Video clips:

Miller's Speech on his resolution honoring Bob Hope (wmv - 5.1 MBs)
H. Con. Res. 32- Honoring those who died in the Khobar Towers (avi - 25.1 MBs)
Congressman Jeff Miller Congratulating Israel on its 60th Anniversary (avi - 5.0 MBs)
H.R. 4264- "Michael Bilirakis VA Spinal Cord Injury Center" (avi - 10.9 MBs)
You can play Congressman Miller's Multimedia files with Windows Media player. This should already be installed on your Windows PC if you are running Windows 95 or later. Otherwise you can find more information on the site to the left.
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