Update From Senator John Cornyn
May 1, 2008
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Update from U.S. Senator John Cornyn

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Dear Friend,

U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, was in Lubbock on Saturday, April 19, to see firsthand the work in progress of the North & East Lubbock Community Development Corporation (NELCDC) to rejuvenate the region with economic growth and development. Click here for more photos.Over the last two weeks, I had the opportunity to speak with many Texans across our great State including folks in Lubbock, San Antonio, and the Rio Grande Valley

It’s clear that the high price of gasoline tops the list of economic concerns facing Texas families. Despite the recent positive news that the Texas economy is among the strongest in the 50 states, skyrocketing gas prices are hitting Texas families hard, particularly as the summer travel season approaches. 

Too many Texas families are now paying the price for inaction by the Congress. That is unacceptable. Congress can and should take immediate action to improve both our security and our economy by increasing American-based energy production – from exploring ANWR and the Outer Continental Shelf to increasing American refining capacity. Unfortunately, some of my colleagues have continually obstructed any effort to step-up domestic energy production – dating back to President Clinton’s veto to stop such development in ANWR, which would have made available nearly 1,000,000 barrels of oil a day.

Members of Congress on a bipartisan basis must work together to try to bring some of these policies to the floor as soon as possible, without a moment of unnecessary delay. I am working hard to see this action through.

Another area that I have been working hard on concerns the care and treatment of our Veterans. Texas is the proud home of roughly 1.6 million U.S. Veterans, and we have a solemn obligation to ensure that each one of them receives the important benefits they have earned and deserve. This week I was proud to co-sponsor the Enhancement of Recruitment, Retention, and Readjustment through Education Act, S. 2938, which will strengthen the existing Montgomery G.I. Bill to improve benefits for active duty service members, veterans and members of the National Guard and Reserve.

I was also proud to help pass the Veterans’ Benefits Enhancement Act, S. 1315, which contains a number of key reforms to VA benefits programs. This legislation included new housing benefits for our wounded warriors and their families which was the direct result of conversations I had with wounded soldiers and their families at Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio.

Finally, on a related note, one of our Texas heroes and Veterans was honored on Capitol Hill last week. I was proud to join President Bush and Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison in presenting Dr. Michael DeBakey with the Congressional Gold Medal. During World War II, Dr. DeBakey helped develop the concept of the Mobile Army Surgical Hospital (M.A.S.H.) units, which saved thousands of lives during the Korean and Vietnam Wars. He later became head of surgery at the Baylor University College of Medicine in Houston in 1948, and helped lead the Texas Medical Center to the position of international prominence it enjoys today.

On Sautrday, April 19th, Senator Cornyn threw out the first pitch for the Texas Tech vs. Kansas State baseball game. Click here for more photos!Thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts with you on some of the issues currently before the Congress. I hope you will take a moment to read through some of the other issues I have spoken out on over the last two weeks and as always, please share any thoughts you have by clicking here.

For more information on these and other topics, go directly to my Web site. To receive additional updates, please select the issues that interest you listed on the right. It’s an honor to serve you in the United States Senate.


U.S. Senator John Cornyn

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John Cornyn, R-Texas, was joined today by Texas First Lady Anita Perry as honored guests of the Fiesta San Antonio 2008 Opening Ceremony. The annual ceremony kicks off 10 days of 100 Fiesta events celebrated by millions of patrons in San Antonio and the region. "Fiesta San Antonio is an impressive, long-honored celebration of San Antonio’s rich culture and traditions. Having been raised in San Antonio, I was honored to help kick off this celebration and join fellow San Antonians in paying tribute to our city’s vibrant history. I hope all San Antonio residents will have the opportunity to participate in the 10-day celebration, show pride for their city, and spend time with friends and family." [more] [slideshow]

U.S. Sen. John Cornyn was in Austin on Friday, April 18, to address hundreds of educators, administrators, business leaders and other members of the Texas academic community at the Texas Public Education Reform Foundation’s 2008 Statewide Education Summit. Click here for more photos. Cornyn Calls For Public Education Reform To Return Decision-Making, Flexibility To Local Level - 04/18/2008
Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, today called for public education reform that will return more decision-making and flexibility to the local level with parents, teachers and schools. In remarks to the Texas Public Education Reform Foundation’s 2008 Statewide Education Summit in Austin, Sen. Cornyn also highlighted the need to ensure that young people are well-prepared with the education and skills necessary for successful careers in an increasingly innovative, high-tech economy. The event drew hundreds of teachers, administrators, and members of the Texas academic community... [more] [slideshow]

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Note: To read previous Texas Times weekly columns, click here. To receive it in your inbox each week, click here.

Texas Tuesday Coffees

Come By and Say Hello: If you travel to Washington for business or pleasure, please consider visiting my U.S. Senate office. Each Tuesday when the Senate is in session, I host an open house at 9:15 a.m. Please contact my office at 202-224-2934 and ask for the Texas Tuesday Coffee coordinator to let us know you’ll be coming and to get the best directions.

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UPDATED! Click here to see a map and photos from Senator Cornyn's Texas travels!
Click here to see a map and photos from Senator Cornyn's Texas travels in August!