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Congresswoman Hilda Solis, 32nd District of Califonia: logo
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Congresswoman Hilda Solis: Issues Section.  Images of Hilda with constituents
Congresswoman Solis Issus Section links below

Veterans Issues

Citizenship and Family Protection – Help for Servicemen, Women and Families
I introduced the Naturalization and Family Protection for Military Members Act to ease access to naturalization for members of the U.S. military and ensure immigration protections for family members of soldiers killed in combat. The majority of these provisions were signed into law, easing the path to citizenship for U.S. servicemen and women.

Ensuring Appropriate Health Care, Increasing Access to Mental Health Services
Veterans deserve better access to health care benefits. That is why I introduced legislation to ensure veterans receive culturally and linguistically appropriate care. This bill requires the VA to conduct a thorough assessment of the language needs of population to be served, including identifying the non-English languages that are likely to be encountered and ensure development and implementation of a comprehensive language assistance program with trained staff and personnel to ensure meaningful access if requested by a veteran. I support legislation to address increasing instances of traumatic brain injury, by ensuring that our servicemembers and veterans are screened for traumatic brain injuries, and, if diagnosed, receive the appropriate treatment.

Improving Military Retirees and Returning Servicemembers’ Coverage
Veterans deserve better health benefits. I support legislation to allow health insurance premiums to be paid on a pretax basis and provide health care for defense dependents through a managed care system. I also support legislation that extends health care coverage for servicemembers who served in combat and have been discharged to help with post-traumatic stress disorder, which may not be immediately evident.

Increasing Veterans Home Ownership
Existing law allows for an insignificant amount of funds to be borrowed through the Department of Veterans Affairs. I believe that veterans should have real access to financial aid for home ownership and support legislation to increase the maximum amount available through a home loan guarantee from the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Wounded Warrior Care
Improving the transition of wounded servicemembers from the armed forces to the VA system is very important. I supported legislation that improves outpatient medical care for wounded servicemembers and improves the inadequate living conditions brought to light by some patients at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and other military health care facilities.

Benefit Rating Acceleration for Veteran Entitlements, Disabled Tax

I am an original cosponsor of legislation that will assist veterans who have already been determined by the Veterans Administration (VA) of total disability and are seeking Social Security disability benefits. I supported legislation that will cut the bureaucratic process disabled veterans go through when applying for Social Security disability benefits by getting rid of the duplicative medical evaluation process they have already gone through with the VA. I also support efforts to amend tax laws so members of the uniformed services whose retired pay in any taxable year is reduced due to an award of disability compensation have an extension of the three-year limitation period for filing tax refund.

Increasing Financial Assistance for Families
We must support the families of those who serve this country during their time of need. That is why I voted to increase financial assistance to families to help cover burial costs, funeral costs and plot allowances for veterans.

Making the Resources Known
Veterans deserve their benefits. I support legislation that allows the VA to partner with state and local governments to reach out to veterans and their families in ensuring they receive benefits for which they are eligible and assist them in completing their benefits claims. This legislation recently passed Congress.

An End to the Widows Tax
Over one million military retirees pay premiums in anticipation that upon their death their spouses will receive 55 percent of their retirement benefit. However, under current law, spouse benefits drop to 35 percent when the spouse reaches age 62. I voted for a new law that eliminates this penalty over the next four years, gives families one year to sign up and ends the penalty on military families.
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