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Congresswoman Hilda Solis, 32nd District of Califonia: logo
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Congresswoman Hilda Solis: Issues Section.  Images of Hilda with constituents
Congresswoman Solis Issus Section links below

On Asian & Pacific Islander American Issues

Healthcare – Expanding Coverage and Services
In the San Gabriel Valley, between 40-60% residents speak an API language as their primary language. Because cultural and language barriers limit access to critical health care services, 35% of the API community lacks health insurance. I am working with the Congressional Asian and Pacific American Caucus on legislation that meets the health needs of the API community, such as expanding health care coverage, removing language and cultural barriers to receiving quality health care, and eliminating health disparities in our community.

Education – Improving Access for Minority Students
Education is the foundation upon which opportunities are created for all of our children. I advocate for programs that prepare students for college and meet the specific needs of minority and bilingual students. I will continue to fight to enable immigrant students to have access to higher education. I support funding for higher education institutions serving the specific needs of APIA students.

Immigration – Working for Comprehensive Reform
Immigration has been a key to greatness of our country. APIA immigrants come to the United States to better their lives. I strongly advocate for the reinstatement of fair and just immigration laws. I believe that immigrants and refugees deserve access to social services such as healthcare and temporary welfare benefits. I will work to find pathways toward earned legalization for hard working, tax paying, and law-abiding immigrants.

Domestic Violence - Supporting Victims of Domestic Violence
Women should have access to quality domestic violence prevention and treatment options, regardless of what language they speak. That is why I authored provisions in the Violence Against Women Act (Public Law 109-162) to provide grants for media campaigns to promote awareness of domestic violence in a culturally and linguistically appropriate manner for under-served communities. I also helped create special domestic violence courts to reduce the backlog of domestic violence cases and help increase conviction rates.

Civil Rights – Defending Individual Freedoms
I support legislation that would strengthen our nation’s commitment against hate crimes, such as the Local Law Enforcement Enhancement Act. I will continue to defend the civil rights of all Americans by working to address the bias and discrimination that limits the rights and opportunities of Asian and Pacific Islander Americans.

Veterans Benefits – Increasing Access for Veterans
Service in the organized military forces of the Government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines and the Philippine Scouts prior to 1946 was also service to defense of the United States. I support legislation to allow those who fought before 1946 to access the Department of Veterans Affairs for the purpose of accessing benefits. In addition, I recently introduced the Culturally Competent Veteran Care Act, which ensures that linguistically and appropriate health services are provided to veterans.

Small Business – Helping Minority Businesses
Small businesses and minority enterprises are the backbone of our economy. These enterprises account for half of the national gross domestic product and three-fourths of new jobs created each year. I will fight in Congress for more funding for the Small Business Administration, which makes capital more accessible to small businesses and helps minority owned businesses grow.

Social Security - Opposing Risky Privatization Plans
Nationally, more than 785,000 APIA seniors depend on Social Security. Privatizing Social Security would cut guaranteed benefits by more than 40% in the coming decades and drain trillions of dollars away from Social Security. I will fight to ensure that Social Security benefits are not compromised by risky privatization schemes. I believe that all American workers should get the benefits they paid for, and that we must protect Social Security for the future generations.
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