Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey
Marin CountySonoma County
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Legislation & Issues
Below are links to the bills written, introduced and cosponsored by Lynn in the 110th Congress.  You may click on the bill number to find the actual status and summary of each legislation.
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As a senior Democrat on the Science and Technology Committee’s Energy Subcommittee, I have continued to fight for increased federal investment in energy efficiency and conservation measures, and a greater reliance on renewable energy sources, including solar, wind, and geothermal energy.

It has now become clear to many people across the country what we in the North Bay area have known for a long time.  We have to invest in clean, renewable energy sources to ensure that the Earth will remain habitable for future generations.  That’s why I am proud of the steps we have taken in the 110th Congress, such as, passing into law H.R. 6, the Energy Independence and Security Act which updates fuel efficiency standards to 35 miles per gallon, encourages the use of plug-in electric drive vehicles, expands energy efficiency programs, and promotes the training a new workforce to specialize in “green jobs.” This bill also includes an amendment that I authored with Rep. Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD) which mandates that any new federal research on biofuels take into account the total life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions of producing these biofuels.  This will help to ensure that we are moving forward in an environmentally friendly way.

It’s clear that the high price of gasoline has a detrimental effect on our economy, but opening up the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) and the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve (ANWR) to oil companies for drilling is not the solution to our energy policy.  There are over 68 millions acres of federal land and water under lease to oil and gas companies that have not been fully developed for production.  That’s why I supported H.R. 6251, the Responsible Federal Oil and Gas Lease Act, which would require the oil industry to produce on the leases they already have or risk losing the right to bid on future leases.  Although the oil companies claim that drilling in the OCS and ANWR will lower gas prices, the truth of the matter is that drilling in these areas wouldn’t yield any oil for at least 10 years—and would only save consumers pennies per gallon by 2025.

In addition, economists estimate that 25 percent of the price of oil is due to manipulation of the oil commodities market.  That’s why I supported H.R. 6377, the Energy Markets Emergency Act, when it passed the House on June 26, 2008.  This bill would direct the Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) to use all its authority, including emergency powers, to curb excessive speculation in the energy futures markets.  We must act immediately to eliminate this speculation so that our energy markets accurately reflect supply and demand.

We also need to spur innovation in renewable energy.  Promoting energy efficiency and investing in renewable sources of electricity are both essential steps in decreasing our reliance on fossil fuels and promoting clean energy to meet America’s growing demand.  H.R. 6049, the Energy and Tax Extenders Act, extends and expands tax incentives for renewable energy, retains and creates hundreds of thousands of green jobs, spurs American innovation and business investment, and closes loopholes allowing U.S. corporations and executives to avoid U.S. taxes by shipping jobs and investment overseas.

Renewable energy is one of my top priorities. We cannot continue to focus our priorities on limited fossil fuel energy sources alone.  Our energy future must increasingly rely on domestic renewable energy sources that minimize the impact on our environment, help leave a sustainable energy future for our children, and reduce our dependence on foreign oil sources.  I will continue to be an outspoken voice for measures that support renewable energy sources as well as energy efficiency measures, and fight for funding for local projects that promote conservation and renewable energy.

(updated Sept. 2008)