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The Daily Leader - Steny Hoyer
majorityleader.house.gov · (202) 225-3130

House Meets At…
Last Vote Predicted…

12:30 p.m.: Morning Hour

  2:00 p.m.: Legislative Business


 Unlimited “One Minutes” Per Side

 7:00 p.m.

Votes will be postponed until 6:30 p.m.


Suspensions (23 Bills): 

1)     H.R. 5350 - To authorize the Secretary of Commerce to sell or exchange certain National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration property located in Norfolk, Virginia, and for other purposes (Rep. Scott (VA) – Natural Resources)

2)     H.R. 3437 - To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to carry out the Jackson Gulch rehabilitation project in the State of Colorado (Rep. Salazar – Natural Resources)

3)     H.R. 2535 -  To direct the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a study on the feasibility and suitability of constructing a storage reservoir, outlet works, and a delivery system for the Tule River Indian Tribe of California to provide a water supply for domestic, municipal, industrial, and agricultural purposes, and for other purposes (Rep. Nunes – Natural Resources)

4)     H.R. 5293 - To approve the settlement of the water rights claims of the Shoshone-Paiute Tribes of the Duck Valley Reservation in Nevada, to require the Secretary of the Interior to carry out the settlement, and for other purposes (Rep. Heller – Natural Resources)

5)     H.Res. 1200 - Honoring the dedication and outstanding work of military support groups across the country for their steadfast support of the members of our Armed Forces and their families (Rep. Sutton – Armed Services)

6)     H.Res. 1255 - Honoring Toby Keith's commitment to members of the Armed Forces (Rep. Cole – Armed Services)

7)    H.Con.Res. 390 - Honoring the 28th Infantry Division for serving and protecting the United States (Rep. Carney – Armed Services)

8)     H.Res. 1335 – Celebrating the 120-year partnership between Government and State veterans homes (Rep. Hodes – Veterans’ Affairs)

9)     S. 2339 - Lt. Col. Clement C. Van Wagoner VA Clinic (Sen. Stabenow – Veterans’ Affairs)

10) H.R. 5736 - To designate the Department of Veterans Affairs outpatient clinic in Gadsden, Alabama, as the Colonel Ola Lee Mize Veterans Clinic (Rep. Aderholt – Veterans’ Affairs)

11)   H.R. 1594 - To designate the Department of Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic in Hermitage, Pennsylvania, as the Michael A. Marzano Department of Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic (Rep. English – Veterans’ Affairs)

12)   H.R. 5938 - Former Vice President Protection Act/Identity Theft Enforcement and Restitution Act (Rep. Conyers - Judiciary)

13)   H.R. 6064 - National Silver Alert Act (Rep. Doggett – Judiciary)

14)   H.R. 6503 - Missing Alzheimer's Disease Patient Alert Program Reauthorization of 2008 (Rep. Waters – Judiciary)

15)   H.R. 2352 - School Safety Enhancements Act of 2007 (Rep. Rothman - Judiciary)

16)   H.R. 6855 - To extend the authority for the United States Supreme Court Police to protect court officials off the Supreme Court grounds, and for other purposes (Rep. Lamar Smith (TX) - Judiciary)

17)   H.Con.Res. 410 - Recognizing the FBI’s 100th Anniversary (Rep. Gohmert - Judiciary) 

18)   H.Res. 1425 - Honoring the life and music of the late Isaac Hayes (Rep. Blackburn – Judiciary)

19)   H.R. 5167 - Justice for Victims of Torture and Terrorism Act (Rep. Braley – Judiciary)

20)   H.Con.Res. __ - Celebrating 75 years of effective State-based alcohol regulation and recognizing State lawmakers, regulators, law enforcement officers, the public health community and industry members for creating a workable, legal, and successful system of alcoholic beverage regulation, distribution, and sale (Rep. Coble - Judiciary)

21)   H.R. ___ – To extend the authority of the Secretary of Education to ensure continued access to federal student loans, for one-year (Rep. George Miller (CA) – Education and Labor)  

22)   H.R. ___ – To extend the waiver authority for the Secretary of Education under section 105 of subtitle A of title IV of division B of Public Law 109–148, relating to elementary and secondary education hurricane recovery relief (Rep. Melancon – Education and Labor)

23)   H.Res. 1372 – Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the University of Nebraska at Omaha and recognizing the partnership between the City of Omaha, its citizens, and the University to build a vibrant and dynamic community (Rep. Terry – Education and Labor) 


* Conference Reports may be brought up at any time.

* Motions to go to Conference should they become available.      

* Possible Motions to Instruct Conferees.