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729 N.E. Oregon Street
Suite 115
Portland, OR 97232
t: (503) 231-2300
f: (503) 230-5413

2267 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
t: (202) 225-4811
f: (202) 225-8941

Inauguration Day, 2009
Press Releases
Congressman Blumenauer Highlights Economic Challenges Facing State and Local Government
Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Washington, DC – Congressman Blumenauer (D-OR) spoke at the hearing on economic recovery, job creation, and investment in America, held today before the House Ways and Means Committee. Witnesses testified to the need for increased assistance for families and local government agencies struggling in the current crisis. Congressman Blumenauer has issued the following statement:

“With the economy in peril, a decaying infrastructure and a carbon-constrained environment, American families are turning to Congress for solutions. They’re asking how we can help them. They’re asking what Congress and the new administration can do to renew and rebuild America.

“We’ve got to be looking at short-term specifics as well as the big picture. For instance, what should be done about local government agencies, school districts, and transit agencies that have never missed a debt service payment, yet cannot get the credit they need to stay afloat? We need specific approaches to stabilize and help not just big business and lending institutions, but American families and credit-worthy Main Street institutions as well.

“American families also want answers that go beyond the short term economic crisis; they need long-term solutions that will be there for them, year in and year out. I would deeply appreciate your insights on how we can best restore economic security and stability for struggling American families, as well as state and local governments."


Blumenauer Introduces Water for the Poor Enhancement Act of 2008
Tuesday, 30 September 2008
Blumenauer Votes Against Bailout Legislation
Monday, 29 September 2008

Washington, DC – In a moment of historic import, Congressman Blumenauer has voted with the House of Representatives to reject a $700 billion bailout of the financial industry. Congressman Blumenauer has made clear that we must protect Main Street from the crisis on Wall Street, and is determined to work towards a better solution.

“It was hardly a surprise that this bill went down to defeat," said Congressman Earl Blumenauer. “It was, at the core, not the best bill.  I am convinced that it would have passed if it were paid for with a fee on the finance industry to pay for its own bailout, and if homeowners were given the same bankruptcy protections as rich people’s third and fourth home, and business properties.”

The biggest issue, Congressman Blumenauer notes, is what lies ahead.  We need to address how much the government fixes and why we should fix it, he says. This is a time to strengthen corporate responsibility and have less, not more, demands on the taxpayer, he says, warning that there may be other bubbles waiting to burst.

“This bill was weakened in order to get Republican support, yet only one third followed their leadership and supported it.  We have a choice: Either Republicans step up and support their leadership and their President on this weak bill, or we pass a stronger bill and pick up support from people like me, solve the problem, and protect the taxpayer.  Those are two very clear paths, either one of which is possible.  However, I know that I choose more protections for the taxpayer.”

Blumenauer Supports Passage of Credit Cardholders’ Bill of Rights
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
Blumenauer Supports Passage of Major Energy Bill
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
Blumenauer Fights to Protect Mt. Hood at House Hearing
Thursday, 11 September 2008
Blumenauer Bill to Establish College Sustainability Curriculums Passes House
Thursday, 31 July 2008
Blumenauer Introduces Bill to Help Provide Relief from High Gas Prices
Wednesday, 16 July 2008
Blumenauer Resolution Honors Oregon National Guard Youth Program
Friday, 11 July 2008
Blumenauer to Bush: Release Oil from Reserve
Friday, 11 July 2008
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