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Congresswoman Hilda Solis, 32nd District of Califonia: logo
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Congresswoman Hilda Solis: Issues Section.  Images of Hilda with constituents
Congresswoman Solis Issus Section links below


Working for Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Our immigration system is broken. I support efforts to comprehensively reform it by: allowing earned legalization for hard working, tax paying, and law-abiding immigrants; eliminating our immigration backlogs to reunite families; and creating an effective program that would control the future flow of immigrants.  Comprehensive reform of our broken immigration system will also strengthen our national security by bringing immigrants out of the shadows. I also support additional U.S. investment in Latin America and other developing nations so that their citizens will not feel compelled to come to America to provide for their families.

Securing our Communities
I support strong funding levels for border and internal security measures, including interoperability and cargo security at our ports and voted to implement the 9-11 Commission recommendations.  I voted for funding to hire 17,800 additional border patrol officers and provide for an additional 28,450 detention beds. Also, I strongly support efforts to increase funds for the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP), which provides partial reimbursement to states and localities for the costs associated with the detention and incarceration of undocumented criminal aliens.

Honoring Immigrant Soldiers and their Families
At least 55,000 legal immigrants currently serve in U.S. military and reserves.  To honor the sacrifices of immigrant soldiers, their families, and all military personnel, I introduced the Naturalization and Family Protection for Military Members Act (H.R. 1814), legislation to expedite the naturalization process for members of the U.S. military and ensure immigration protections for family members of soldiers killed in combat.  The majority of the provisions in H.R. 1814 were enacted into law on November 24, 2003, (Public Law 108-136).

Expanding Educational Opportunities for Students
Every year, U.S. high schools graduate approximately 65,000 immigrant students who share the same American culture and values as their peers. Unfortunately, due to their immigration status, they are barred from the opportunities that make a college education. That is why I am a proud cosponsor of the American DREAM Act, bipartisan legislation to give young people who consider the United States their home, who have worked hard in school, and have stayed out of trouble the chance to go to college and pursue their dreams.

Reforming the Agricultural Temporary Worker Program
I am a strong supporter and original co-sponsor of the Agricultural Job Opportunity, Benefits and Security (AGJOBS) Act, bipartisan legislation which would provide much-needed reform to our immigration laws in the agricultural sector.  The AgJOBS bill was built upon years of discussion and ideas from growers, farm worker advocates, and various groups and organizations concerned about the need to reform our immigration laws in the agricultural sector.  I believe that the AgJOBS bill is a practical approach that would provide for a more stable, secure, safe, and legal American agricultural work force and food supply.

El Monte District Office
4401 Santa Anita Avenue
Suite 211
El Monte, CA 91731
Phone: (626) 448-1271
Fax: (626) 448-8062
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Building A
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Phone: (323) 307-9904
Fax: (323) 307-9906
Washington, DC Office
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Phone: (202) 225-5464
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