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Ciudad Juárez

Condemning the Murders in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico

House Concurrent Resolution 90 (Passed by the U.S. House on 5/20/06)

Continuing her long record as an outspoken advocate for the rights of women, Congresswoman Solis introduced House Concurrent Resolution 90, which recognizes that the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juárez and Chihuahua City have been plagued with the abduction, sexual assault, and brutal murders of more than 400 young women since 1993.

Some of the victims in Ciudad Juarez are as young as 7 years old, and many were abducted in broad daylight in well-populated areas. Over 90 of these murders show signs of being connected to one or more serial killers, although many victims have yet to be positively identified and to date the perpetrators of most of these heinous acts remain unknown.

The U.S. House of Representatives passed H.Con.Res. 90 by voice vote on May 2, 2006. The U.S. Senate passed it the following day unanimously.

Specifically, H.Con.Res. 90:

- Conveys the sympathy of the House of Representatives to the families of the young women murdered in the State of Chihuahua, Mexico, and encourage increased United States involvement in bringing an end to these crimes;

- Condemns the abductions and murders of young women in Ciudad Juárez and express its sincerest condolences and deepest sympathy to the families of the young women killed in the State of Chihuahua, Mexico, since 1993;

- Urges the President and Secretary of State to request that the investigative and preventative efforts of the Mexican Government become part of the bilateral agenda between the Governments of Mexico and the United States;

- Supports multilateral efforts to create a DNA database that would allow families to positively identify the remains of the victims and encourage the Secretary of State to facilitate United States participation in such a DNA database;

- Condemns the use of torture as a means of investigation of these crimes;

- Encourages the U.S. Secretary of State to urge the Government of Mexico to ensure fair and proper judicial proceedings for the individuals accused of these abductions and murders and to impose appropriate punishment for those individuals subsequently determined to be guilty of such crimes;

- Condemns all senseless acts of violence in all parts of the world and in particular violence against women; and

- Expresses the solidarity of the people of the United States with the people of Mexico in the face of these tragic and senseless acts.

** Learn more about the human rights crisis in Ciudad Juarez by clicking here.
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