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My Legislation in the 109th Congress

H.Con Res. 90 – Murders of Women in Ciudad Juarez – PASSED
This resolution voices concern over the unsolved murders of more than 400 women in Juarez and support for efforts to bring an end to the violent crimes. The full U.S. House of Representatives passed this legislation by voice vote on May 2, 2006 and the Senate agreed to it on May 3, 2006.

H.Con.Res. 262 – Observing National Latino AIDS Awareness Day
This resolution honors the national day of awareness and prevention against HIV and AIDS in the Latino community. It is pending action by the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Health Subcommittee.

H.Res. 477 – Katrina Resolution
This resolution reinforces the need to protect public health and the environment during the recovery and reconstruction of the Gulf Coast and other areas of natural disasters. It is pending action by the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on the Environment and Hazardous Materials.

H.Res. 695 – Honoring the Life and Accomplishments of Betty Friedan
This resolution honors the life and accomplishments of Betty Friedan, a writer and activist who helped spur the modern women’s right movement with the publication of “The Feminine Mystique.” She helped found important women’s rights groups such as the National Organization for Women (NOW) and helped women realize their immense potential to contribute to the business, educational and political realms, as well as family life. It is pending action by the House Committee on Government Reform.

H.Res. 721 – Salvadoran-American Day (El Dia del Salvadoreño) – HOUSE PASSED
This resolution recognizes August 6 as Salvadoran-American Day, paying homage to the cultural festivities of El Salvador while recognizing Salvadoran-Americans for their hard work, dedication and economic and cultural contributions to the United States. It passed the full U.S. House of Representatives on July 18, 2006.

H.Res. 787 – Honoring Dolores Huerta
This resolution expresses the sense of the House of Representatives that all workers deserve fair treatment and safe working conditions. It honors Dolores Huerta for her commitment to the improvement of working conditions for farm worker families and the rights of women and children. It is pending action by the House Committee on Education and Workforce.

H.R. 213 – Requiring a Safe Drinking Water Standard for Perchlorate
This bill requires the EPA to establish a safe drinking water standard for perchlorate. It is pending action by the House Subcommittee on the Environment and Hazardous Materials.

H.R. 3920 – Domestic Violence Courts Assistance Act – LAW
This bill authorizes the establishment of domestic violence court systems for grants to combat violence of women. It requires a state to certify that at least 5 percent of grant funds shall be allocated for specialized domestic violence courts. It was passed as part of H.R. 3402, the Violence Against Women and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act of 2005, in title 1, Section 105: Court Training and Improvements. This bill was signed into law on January 5, 2006 (P.L. 109-162).

H.R. 3921 – Domestic Violence Prevention, Education, and Awareness Act – LAW
This bill requires the Attorney General to make grants to public or private nonprofit entities, states, and Indian tribes and tribal organizations to carry out public information campaigns to educate racial and ethnic minority communities and immigrant communities about domestic violence. It was passed as part of H.R. 3402, the Violence Against Women and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act of 2005, in Title I, Section 120: Grants for Outreach to Underserved Communities. This bill was signed into law on January 5, 2006 (P.L. 109-162).

H.R. 4053 – Lillian Keil Post Office – LAW
The House passed this bill on November 8, 2005 and passed the Senate on March 3, 2006. It was signed into law on March 20, 2006 (P.L. 109-162).

H.R. 4469 – Community Health Workers Act of 2005
This bill amends the Public Health Service Act to authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to promote positive health behaviors for women in target populations, especially racial and ethnic minority women in medically underserved communities. It is pending action by the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Health Subcommittee.

H.R. 4800 – Language to Implement the Stockholm Convention
This legislation will allow the United States to implement and ratify the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants. It has been endorsed by the United States’ Chief Negotiator for the Stockholm Convention, California Attorney General Bill Lockyer and more than 45 public health and environmental groups. The Energy and Commerce Committee’s considered legislation in June. H.R. 4800 failed when offered as an amendment on a party line vote.

H.R. 5006 – California Wild Heritage Act of 2006
This legislation, introduced in the Senate by Senator Boxer, would protect more than 2.5 million acres of public lands in California and the free flowing portions of 21 rivers. It would also establish the Sacramento River National Recreation Area. This bill is pending action by the House Resources Committee.

H.R. 5007 – Culturally Competent Veteran and Family Care Act
This bill ensures that the VA implements and complies with Executive Order 13166, which requires all federal agencies to prepare a plan to improve access for eligible persons with limited English proficiency to its federal assistance programs and services. The bill would mandate the VA to assess the language needs of its beneficiaries, including identifying the non-English languages that are likely to be encountered. Additionally, this bill provides the VA with adequate authority to provide counseling to family members and ensures that family members can get the counseling they need. It has been endorsed by several organizations. It is pending action by the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs.

H.R. 5047 – Cesar Estrada Chavez Study Act
This legislation authorizes the Department of Interior to study lands relevant in the life of Cesar Chavez for inclusion in the National Park Service. A companion bill has been introduced in the Senate by Sens. McCain and Salazar. The Senate passed this legislation in the 108th Congress, but the House did not consider this legislation. It is pending action by the House Committee on Resources.

H.R. 5088, Healthy Places Act of 2006
This legislation establishes a process to incorporate all levels of government in community planning with the goal of designing communities which promote healthier living. It establishes health assessments and an interagency working group and funds grants and research. This legislation is strongly supported by the American Public Health Association. Senator Obama has introduced the Senate companion. It is pending action by the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Health Subcommittee.

H.R. 5161, Commission to Study Removal of US Citizens of Mexican-American Descent
This legislation establishes a commission to study the removal of Mexican-Americans to Mexico to the Depress Era. This commission is modeled after the commission which studied the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II. The commission is directed to study the directives of the local, state and Federal government and private interests which directed the raids and removal and to report findings and recommendations to Congress. This legislation is endorsed by MALDEF, NCLR, NALEO and several chapters of the American GI Forum. It is pending action by the House Judiciary Committee.

H.R. 5806, Communities of Color Teen Pregnancy Prevention Act of 2006
This legislation provides grants to public and private non-profit entities for community-based intervention efforts targeting schools, the family and media to promote and strengthen communication regarding teen pregnancy. It provides grants for the creation of a National Clearinghouse to provide culturally and linguistically appropriate information and technical assistance to those seeking to reduce rates of teen pregnancy. Finally, this legislation provide for research on teen pregnancy in communities of color. It is supported by the National Campaign to End Teen Pregnancy and endorsed by HOPE. It is pending action by the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

H.Amdt. 83 – Refinery Revitalization Amendment – FAILED
This amendment was offered on the House floor during consideration of H.R. 6, last year’s energy bill. While this amendment failed on a recorded vote of 182 – 248, Congresswoman Solis was able to work with other Members to rework the language to protect communities. Final passage of H.R. 6 did not include the offending language.

H.Amdt. 191 – Human Testing and Pesticides – LAW
This amendment was offered on the House floor during consideration of H.R.2361, the Interior-Environment spending bill. As passed, the amendment prohibited human testing of pesticides for one year. During House-Senate negotiations, this language was amended to prohibit testing or accepting of tests for six months and directed the EPA to establish health and safety guidelines for the testing of pesticides on humans. This language was passed by Congress and signed into law on August 2, 2005 (P.L. 109-54).

H.Amdt. 844 – Protecting Community Right to Know – HOUSE PASSED
This amendment was offered on the House floor during consideration of H.R. 5386, the Interior-Environment spending bill. As passed, the amendment would prevent the EPA from finalizing or implementing proposed changes to the Toxic Release Inventory program, a program designed to ensure communities know about those most toxic pollutants being released or transported through their communities. This amendment passed 238 – 187 and was cosponsored by Frank Pallone, Jr. Senate action is pending.

Motion to Recommit – Telecom Bill, H.R. 5252 – FAILED
This motion to recommit was offered as part of consideration of H.R. 5252, the COPE Act. It would have required the bill to be recommitted to the committee of jurisdiction for the purposes of incorporating language into the bill which would ensure broadband is deployed to every community. Specifically, it established a phased-in, market based buildout of services and extended the prohibition on discrimination based on income to include discrimination based on race, color, religion and national origin. It also would prohibit a cable operator from offering unequal service, upgrades and repairs to any group of current or potential consumers. It failed on a vote of 165 – 256.
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