(May 21, 2007) ARTBA-Foundation Hosts 12th Annual Young Executive Development Program PDF  | Print |

ARTBA-Foundation Hosts 12th Annual Young Executive Development Program

21 May 2007

(ARTBA, Washington, D.C.) - Thirty "rising stars" from the U.S. transportation design and construction industry came to Washington, D.C. May 7-10 to participate in the American Road & Transportation Builders Association Transportation Development Foundation (ARTBA-TDF) 12th annual Young Executive Development Program (YEDP). The intensive, three-day program focuses on the impact the federal government has on the industry and the role that ARTBA plays in shaping national transportation investment policy.

The YEDP program included sessions on the federal legislative and regulatory processes. Participants heard from Carolyn Edwards, team leader with the Federal Highway Administration Office of Legislation and Strategic Planning, about the structure and operations of the federal highway program. Rep. Dan Lipinski (D-Ill.), a member of the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee, discussed the role of Congress and government in transportation funding and policy development. Susan Binder, executive director of the National Surface Transportation Policy and Revenue Commission also provided an overview of challenges facing the nation's transportation infrastructure.

YEDP fellows also visited Capitol Hill and met with their members of Congress to urge them to support fully funding federal surface transportation investment programs in the FY 2008 appropriations process.

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