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Congresswoman Hilda Solis, 32nd District of Califonia: logo
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Congresswoman Hilda Solis: Issues Section.  Images of Hilda with constituents
Congresswoman Solis Issus Section links below

Pension Reform

Building Retirement Security

Congresswoman Solis supports the AmeriSave Plan, which will allow 100 million Americans with the opportunity to create a retirement nest egg and will empower AmeriSavers with information on investing in the stock market.

Expanding Opportunities to Save

The AmeriSave Plan will establish tax credits to give small businesses the resources they need to set up retirement accounts for their employees and will simplify and strengthen existing opportunities to help Americans save more for their retirement.

Ensuring Pension Fairness

The AmeriSave Plan will reform bankruptcy and pension laws to prevent companies from unfairly dumping pension plans and will make certain that employees receive the benefits they have been promised after a lifetime of hard work.

The AmeriSave Plan strengthens retirement security without adding to the deficit. The AmeriSave Plan will increase national savings and grow our economy while helping middle-class families prepare for a brighter future.

For more information about the AmericSave Plan, please visit:

» More on Pension Reform and Retirement Security
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4401 Santa Anita Avenue
Suite 211
El Monte, CA 91731
Phone: (626) 448-1271
Fax: (626) 448-8062
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Building A
East Los Angeles, CA 90022
Phone: (323) 307-9904
Fax: (323) 307-9906
Washington, DC Office
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Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-5464
Fax: (202) 225-5467