U.S. House of Representatives Seal U.S. Congressman
Congressman James E. Clyburn
Sixth District, South Carolina

Capitol Column

1703 Gervais Street  .  Columbia, SC 29201  .  (803) 799-1100  .  Contact: Hope Derrick

Actions of Ugly Americans Not Representative of Our Country

September 18, 2001

            The title of the 1958 classic novel The Ugly American coined the phrase that now is used universally to describe the stereotypical bad behavior displayed by some Americans when dealing with other cultures.  Such behavior is usually associated with activities abroad, but the recent terrorist attack on our nation has highlighted similar conduct on American soil.

            There was a universal feeling after the horrific tragedies of September 11th of outrage and grief. How Americans chose to respond to these overwhelming emotions are telling.  Those living in impacted areas immediately pulled together and organized rescue efforts.    Americans outside New York, Washington and Western Pennsylvania did what they could - many donated blood, sweat and money, others attended Christian, Jewish and Islamic religious services, and almost everybody flew the "Stars and Stripes."

            Unfortunately, among us also emerged some ugliness.  At the Sheraton Hotel near Logan International Airport in Boston, hotel room prices doubled as news broke that the airport was shut down.  Gas prices, especially in some mid-western states, leaped to nearly $5.00 a gallon.  And scam artists set up shop to raise money through phony victim relief funds. 

            Then to add religious insult to secular injury the Reverend Jerry Falwell appearing on the Reverend Pat Robertson's television network turned what should have been a time of mourning and religious reflection into a hateful attack on fellow Americans.  While on Robertson's 700 Club, Falwell commented, "The pagans and the abortionists and the feminists and the gays and the lesbians.the ACLU, People for the American Way - all of them who have tried to secularize America - I point the finger in their face and say 'you helped this happen.'"  And Mr. Robertson replied, "I totally concur."

            Perhaps the most widespread act of ugliness has been the attacks on fellow Americans who look to be of Middle Eastern descent.  Arab Americans have had their their families physically and verbally abused and their mosques threatened.  I have heard reports of incidents in my hometown, Columbia, in which Arab-Americans have been accosted in front of the Capitol building and children of Arab descent being booed after scoring a goal in a recreational soccer match. 

            Over 60 different nationalities lost their lives in these senseless attacks, no doubt many Arab Americans among them.  At the September 14th Memorial services at Washington's National Cathedral, Muslims sat alongside Christians and Jews in mourning those lost in this tragedy.  There are Arab Americans involved in every aspect of the relief efforts.  And there are distinguished Arab Americans in all branches of the Armed Services helping to plan -- and poised to help carry out -- an appropriate response to this abhorrent invasion.

            The attacks against our fellow Americans and the actions of a few ugly Americans don't reflect the American pride and spirit we all witnessed on September 11th in the hours immediately following this national tragedy.  We cannot allow our anger and frustration at such misguided senselessness to allow us to spew hate and heap vengeance against our fellow Americans.  We cannot tolerate ugly Americans who take advantage of their neighbors or cast aspersions and insults upon those of us who may look different, dress differently or harbor different views.  If we sink to this level, then the lunatics, who destroyed the World Trade Center, damaged the Pentagon, and murdered thousands of Americans will have succeeded in undermining the true strength of this country - its people. 

            Now is the time for us to condemn the acts of ugly Americans, and emerge as one America, unified and determined to see justice prevail.

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