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Congressional Page Program

What is the Page program?

Pages are students in their junior year of high school who are hired to serve as helpers for the U.S. House of Representatives in Washington, D.C. The page program is administered by the Office of the Clerk, pursuant to direction from the Majority and Minority leadership and the U.S. House of Representatives Page Board. The practice of having pages assist in Congressional operations dates back over 200 years.

Unfortunately, while there are over 400 Members of Congress, there are only about 66 page positions available each term, so not every Member can sponsor a page every time. All students must be sponsored by a Member of Congress to become a page.


Page eligibility is limited to juniors in high school only. All applicants must be at least sixteen years old on the date they begin their Page term. There are no exceptions.

Students must have at least a 3.0 GPA to be eligible for the House Page School and all School Year Pages must attend the Page School. Candidates must submit a home school verification of the GPA, based on the four major courses, no electives. Limitations may arise due to the House Page School curriculum.

For More Information and to Apply:

Contact Congressman Fortenberry's Office at (402) 438-1598 or 1-866-725-5255 and ask for the page coordinator.
Additional information can also be found through the Office of the Clerk (

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