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First District Earmarks

Many constituents are interested in federal "earmarks" and how they work. The responsible application of earmarked funds, federal resources designated for local projects of high public purpose, can have widespread benefits for our state, our communities, and our nation.

In making such requests, my office seeks to use taxpayer dollars prudently considering cost-benefit analyses and community support. A questionnaire given to those submitting earmark requests to my office can be viewed here. A majority of my requests support higher education, alternative energy, medical research, military construction, environmental protection and infrastructure, and transportation incentives that have regional and national benefits. The federal appropriations process is lengthy and complicated, involving 12 separate bills. Once earmark requests are reviewed and funded in the legislative process, they are posted on this website and announced by my office to the news media.

For your information, below is a categorized list of the First District earmarks requested by my office and included in the FY 2008 House appropriations legislation.

Agriculture and Energy

National Drought Mitigation Center (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) - $372,000

The National Drought Mitigation Center at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln conducts research and educational programs on drought mitigation and planning for drought. The project has assisted numerous states and municipalities in developing drought plans and implementing drought response action teams. The Center has received national visibility for providing information on the severity of drought throughout the United States. Both print and electronic mass media routinely use Center produced materials in their news stories on the drought.

Sweet Sorghum for Energy Production - $149,000

This will support University of Nebraska-Lincoln research to develop sweet sorghum as an alternative crop for biofuels production in Nebraska. Sweet sorghum is a drought tolerant crop with significant ethanol production potential.


Peru State Adopt a High School Program - $192,000

The Peru State College Adopt a School Program offers high school juniors from participating rural Nebraska high schools advanced learning opportunities and a four-year tuition scholarship to Peru State College upon graduation from high school.

Health Care

Nebraska Telehealth - $455,000

The Nebraska State Telehealth Program is an interactive video and data network that supports communications integration among hospitals, public health laboratories, and other healthcare entities across Nebraska.

Infrastructure Development and Environmental Protection

Lincoln, Antelope Creek Flood Damage Reduction Project - $8,426,000

The Antelope Creek Flood Damage Reduction Project is a partnership between the City of Lincoln, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, the Lower Platte South Natural Resources District, the Army Corps of Engineers, the Department of Transportation and the Department of Housing and Urban Development to reduce flooding threats to over 800 dwellings and 1,200 floodplain residents.

Western Sarpy-Clear Creek Flood Damage Reduction - $936,000

The Western Sarpy-Clear Creek Flood Damage Reduction seeks to protect drinking water supplies that provide up to 50% of Nebraska’s population from contamination due to flooding.

Sand Creek Environmental Restoration Project - $1,591,000

The Sand Creek Environmental Restoration Project seeks to restore several historic wetlands and add to the national wetlands inventory.

Fremont Section 205 Flood Control Study - $157,000

The Fremont Section 205 Flood Control Study funding represents the federal share needed to complete feasibility planning needed to strengthen existing levees that protect South Fremont.

Buck and Duck Creek Watershed Project - $2,470,000

The Buck and Duck Creek Watershed project calls for two flood control dams to be constructed with funding through the federal P.L. 566 watershed program. Federal funding will help with the costs of this project.

UNL Bioenergy Demonstration Project - $2,000,000

Funding for the UNL Bioenergy Demonstration Project will be used to expand the cooperative capacity of the USDA-ARS Research Units at Lincoln, Nebraska, and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln to perform research in biomass energy.

Lincoln Wastewater Treatment Facility Upgrades - $591,000

This provides federal assistance to the City of Lincoln for the upgrade of the Theresa and Northeast Wastewater Treatment Plants.

South Sioux City Sanitary Sewer Crossing - $492,000

This will fund a new sanitary sewer crossing between Nebraska and Iowa in the South Sioux City region of Nebraska. The new crossing will provide a more direct link to the regional treatment plant.

Law Enforcement

Nebraska State Patrol Methamphetamine Initiative - $587,000

The Nebraska State Patrol Methamphetamine Initiative seeks to curb methamphetamine abuse in Nebraska, with particular emphasis placed on enforcement and treatment activities.

National Defense

Nebraska Air National Guard Communications Complex - $8,900,000

Funding for the Nebraska Air National Guard Complex would be used to upgrade its communications facilities and security force. The funds will be used to upgrade and add two buildings, alter their internal walls, modify their plumbing, electrical, and fire systems, upgrade their communications, and to construct a new metal building for security forces storage. The funds would also support new training and storage space for the Security Police to effectively carry on their mission requirements beyond what is available in existing facilities.

Transportation and Community Development

Antelope Valley Transportation Improvements - $490,000

The Lincoln Antelope Valley Transportation Project devotes resources to significant road and pedestrian improvements, and for efforts to reduce traffic congestion.

CEDARS Youth Services for a Crisis Shelter - $328,000 *

This funding will go to the CEDARS Youth Services in Lincoln, Nebraska, for the construction of the CEDARS Children’s Crisis Center. The Crisis Center will provide short-term emergency shelter services for abused, neglected, and homeless children. The Center will also offer professional assessment of each child’s needs and family-centered therapeutic services.

Antelope Valley Project Community Revitalization - $176,000

This funding will provide community and economic development and affordable housing initiatives to reverse a blighted area in the flood plain. Residential redevelopment is planned for this area, including a mixture of traditional and some new housing products and designs: row homes, townhouses, cottages and granny flats. A mix of affordable and market rate housing is planned. Funds will be used for acquisition and relocation, removal of environmental constraints, demolition and site preparation, utility upgrades, sidewalk and curb and gutter construction, parking, and streetscape improvements.

Nebraska Innovation Center (Whittier Building at UNL) – $657,000 *

This funding will be used to begin renovation of the historic Whittier Building for use by university researchers as well as entrepreneurs. The building will provide space for a technology development operation and a transportation research center. It will also serve as an incubator for new businesses. The center will help facilitate interaction between faculty researchers and the business community.

* I supported these projects in House-Senate conference deliberations.


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