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For Immediate Release
May 5, 2007

Contact: Josh Moenning
(402) 438-1598

Fortenberry Calls Two Month Vacation "Unconscionable"

Washington D.C. - Congressman Jeff Fortenberry today released the following statement in response to proposals by the Iraqi parliament to take a two-month vacation:

"The Iraqi parliament's proposal to adjourn for a two-month vacation while our troops are fighting and dying is unconscionable.

"This course of action is likely to further complicate the current Iraq funding debate if it is not changed. Considering the gravity of the situation, any decision other than to focus all efforts on a rapid stabilization and Iraqi self-sufficiency is unacceptable and a grave dereliction of duty. Iraqis must take the lead now to fight for their own country; leadership is an integral part of that fight."


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