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For Immediate Release
June 7, 2006

Contact: Josh Moenning
(402) 438-1598

Fortenberry Announces Funding Approval for Antelope Valley Transportation & Economic Development
House Committee Bill Includes $1.4 Million for Lincoln Projects

Washington D.C. - Congressman Jeff Fortenberry announced that $1 million in funding for Antelope Valley Transportation Improvements and $400,000 for Antelope Valley Project Neighborhood Revitalization was included in the House Transportation-Treasury-Housing and Urban Development appropriations bill which has passed the full Appropriations Committee. This is the second step in a lengthy budget process. Fortenberry requested funding for these projects earlier this year.

The Antelope Valley Project is very important to Lincoln, Fortenberry said. The City is committing significant resources for road and pedestrian improvements associated with this comprehensive urban renewal project.

The Antelope Valley Transportation Improvement Project includes roadway construction to improve traffic in central and Northeast Lincoln, reducing traffic congestion on the University campus, eliminating two severely congested and dangerous mainline at-grade rail crossings, and providing a new overpass to reduce congestion around the State Fair Park and Devaney Sports Center areas.

The Antelope Valley Neighborhood Revitalization Project meets multiple objectives for community development activities and affordable housing related to urban renewal, Fortenberry said. This economic development initiative aims to reverse blighted and substandard trends in the area and increase the vitality of existing and new residences, encourages job creation, and increases recreational and trail opportunities in the area.

The House appropriations process includes three levels of approval-subcommittee, full committee, and Floor.


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