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For Immediate Release
May 11, 2006

Contact: Josh Moenning
(402) 438-1598

Fortenberry Introduces Energy Bill
Legislation Increases Ethanol and Other Renewable Fuels

Washington D.C. - U.S. Congressman Jeff Fortenberry has introduced the Alternative Energy Refueling System Act of 2006 along with Representatives Jerry Moran (R-KS), Mark Udall (D-CO). Senators John Thune (R-SD), and Barack Obama (D-IL) recently introduced the Senate version of the bill.

America needs clean, new energy sources now, Fortenberry said. Our bill helps build renewable energy infrastructure to meet our immediate and future energy needs.

The legislation delivers new energy options for drivers of flex-fuel and alternative energy use vehicles by:

Increasing the availability of ethanol (E-85) and other alternative fuelsImplementing the infrastructure to allow consumers to purchase alternative-fueled vehiclesExpanding the eligible uses of the Leaking Underground Storage Tank program (LUST) to reimburse service station owners who replace and/or add new alternative fuel storage tanks, such as E-85 (ethanol), Compressed Natural Gas, Natural Gas, Liquefied Natural Gas, Liquefied Petroleum Gas, and Hydrogen, or other alternative fuels as defined by the Environmental Protection AgencyProviding incentives to service station owners for 30 percent of the costs (not to exceed $30,000) of replacing a petroleum tank with or adding an alternative fuel tankservice station owners will receive reimbursement for up to two tanks per facility, unlike the tax credit that is currently only available once per gas station owner

The use of renewable energy sources helps meet multiple public policy objectives, Fortenberry said. Renewables reduce our dependence on foreign energy, are environmentally sensitive, and create economic opportunities for Americas farmers and rural communities.

Of the almost 180,000 gas stations across the country, less than one percent offer alternative fuels such as ethanol. This legislation encourages the installation of more alternative refueling systems that will help our country achieve energy stability and independence.


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