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For Immediate Release
June 17, 2005

Contact: Josh Moenning
(402) 438-1598

House Passes Fortenberry Amendment, Calls On UN to Act Swiftly Against Genocide

Washington D.C. - Congressman Jeff Fortenberry offered an amendment to the United Nations Reform Act that would help spur the United Nations to swift disciplinary action against Member States that engage in or are complicit with acts of genocide, war crimes, or crimes against humanity. The House passed the amendment as well as the United Nations Reform Act on Friday.

Governments engaged or complicit in crimes against humanity should not maintain their full rights and privileges at the UN, Fortenberry said. As an active member of the United Nations, America has a responsibility to help strengthen this important body for worldwide deliberation.

The United Nations under Article 5 of its Charter already has the authority and mechanisms in place to suspend the rights and privileges of Member States subject to preventive or enforcement action by the Security Council, including those complicit in crimes against humanity.

Fortenberrys amendment explicit directs the United States Permanent Representative to use the voice, vote, and influence of the United States to see that Member States are held accountable as directed by the Charter.

The spirit of the United Nations is undermined when it fails to address blatant disregard for its own charter its very character and effectiveness is weakened.

Congressman Fortenberrys comments on the House floor follow below:

Statement of Congressman Jeff Fortenberry Made on the Floor of the House upon Submitting an AmendmentTo The United Nations Reform Act of 2005 (HR 2745)June 17, 2005

When a government of a Member State of the United Nations is engaged in or complicit in acts of genocide, war crimes, or crimes against humanity, other Member States must not stand idly by. The UN is given the authority and mechanisms to discipline such members in Article 5 of its charter, yet it often fails to do so. This amendment explicitly directs the U.S. Permanent Representative to use the voice, vote, and influence of the United States to make every effort to see that Member States are held accountable.

This accountability would include the following actions:

1.Suspending the membership of such a Member State if it is determined that the member states government is engaged in or complicit in either by omission or commission, acts of genocide, ethnic cleansing, or crimes against humanity;2.Imposing an arms and trade embargo, travel restrictions and asset freeze upon groups or individuals responsible for such acts;3.Deploying a UN peacekeeping operation or authorize and support the deployment of a peacekeeping operation from an international or regional organization;4.Deploying monitors from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to the area where such acts are occurring; and 5.Authorizing the establishment of an international commission of inquiry into such acts.

As an active member of the United Nations, America has a responsibility to help strengthen this important body for worldwide deliberation. The spirit of the United Nations is undermined when it fails to address blatant disregard for its own charter its very character and effectiveness is weakened. Those governments engaged in crimes against humanity should not maintain their full rights and privileges at the UN.

I would like to thank Chairman Hyde and Mr. Lantos for their leadership on the important issue of UN Reform, and the Chairman and his staff in particular for working with me on this important issue of genocide.


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