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For Immediate Release
Friday, May 23, 2008

Contact: Josh Moenning
(402) 438-1598

Fortenberry Announces First District Congressional Arts Competition Winner

Lincoln, NE - Congressman Jeff Fortenberry announced today that Amanda Sasse of Nebraska City is the winner of the 2008 First Congressional District Art Competition. Kasey Gaughen of Cedar Bluffs and Ivy Hoppes of Fremont also earned honorable mentions for their entries.

“Several students from across the First District demonstrated great skill and talent with their submissions,” Fortenberry said.  “I congratulate Amanda for her winning entry, as well as Kasey and Ivy for their distinguished work, and I thank each young person who devoted the time and effort to participate in this year’s competition.”

The theme for the 2008 First Congressional District Art Competition was “Nebraska History.”  Ms. Suzanne Wise, director of the Nebraska Arts Council, juried the submissions. 

Amanda, the daughter of Gary and Anna Sasse, is a junior at Lourdes Central Catholic High School in Nebraska City.  She won for her pencil rendering of the historic Arbor Lodge.  Her artwork will hang in the United States Capitol for one year. She will also receive plane tickets for herself and two guests to travel to Washington D.C. to attend the national reception and ribbon cutting ceremony and to view her artwork on display. 

Kasey Gaughen, a sophomore at Cedar Bluffs High School, and Ivy Hoppes, a junior at Fremont High School, received honorable mentions for their submissions which will be displayed in Congressman Fortenberry’s Lincoln District Office and Washington D.C. Office.  Entries with distinction will be displayed in Congressman Fortenberry’s Lincoln District Office.

The Congressional Arts Competition began in the United States House of Representative in 1982 and serves as an opportunity for Members of Congress to showcase the artistic talents of high school students within their districts. 


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