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For Immediate Release
October 17, 2006

Contact: Josh Moenning
(402) 438-1598

Fortenberry Honored as 'Friend of Farm Bureau'

Washington D.C. - The Nebraska Farm Bureau honored Congressman Jeff Fortenberry with the 'Friend of Farm Bureau' award for the leadership role he has played on behalf of the farm community in the United States House of Representatives.

'One third of all persons in Nebraska work in agriculture,' Fortenberry said. 'It is an extraordinary privilege to serve on the House Agriculture Committee where I can work directly on matters so essential to the wellbeing of Nebraskans.'

'We really appreciate the leadership role Congressman Fortenberry has played in the House,' said Keith Olsen, President of the Nebraska Farm Bureau. 'We also appreciate his accessibility and responsiveness to our members and leaders.'

Fortenberry has focused much of his work on three emerging opportunities in agriculture: agriculture entrepreneurship, ag-based energy production, and creative conservation practices.

'We must create good opportunities for Nebraska farmers and particularly young people who have the hope of staying involved in agriculture,' Fortenberry said.

Additionally, Congressman Fortenberry serves on the House Small Business Committee where he has introduced new legislation that will empower entrepreneurs to overcome the barriers of entry into business.


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