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For Immediate Release
September 22, 2006

Contact: Josh Moenning
(402) 438-1598

Fortenberry Applauds Congressional Support for 25 X 25 Renewable Energy Efforts

Washington D.C. - The House Agriculture Committee today approved a congressional resolution that calls for 25 percent of America's energy supply to come from agriculture and rural based renewable energy sources by 2025. Congressman Fortenberry is a cosponsor of the resolution. He made the following statement:

"Renewable energy is good for Nebraska and great for America. It reduces our dependence on foreign oil, is environmentally sensitive, and creates new markets for our farmers and rural areas.

25 by '25 is a worthy, attainable goal. Nebraskans are helping lead the way.

Nebraska is a leader in America's renewable energy future. We will soon be the second leading producer of ethanol in the nation, and we are home to cutting edge technologies that are producing renewable fuels and electricity from wastes at animal feeding operations. This kind of innovation will only continue to grow as more of America's energy comes from renewable sources."

H.Con.Res. 424 was approved by the House Agriculture Committee earlier today. Chairman Bob Goodlatte introduced the 25x'25 resolution in June and the bill has garnered the support of 83 bipartisan co-sponsors.


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