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Welcome to Nebraska's First District

Dear Friends,

I am honored to represent you in Congress. It is a distinct privilege to work on your behalf for the good of our communities, our state, and our nation.

Our country faces many challenges. At home, we strive for a safe environment for families and children, hope and opportunity in the face of uncertainty, and a culture that respects the life and dignity of all persons. Abroad, instability in the Middle East, weapons proliferation in volatile states, and human rights abuses across the world entangle efforts for diplomacy and peace.

Yet the strength of America and the ideals of our founding still hold – liberty, life, and justice – and inspire hope in the spirits of young and old here and throughout the world. For the good of the country, our traditions call for us to lead with strength of conviction and clarity of vision, as did those who have gone before us.

My efforts in Congress focus on five important areas: national security and international relations; alternative energy and environmental sustainability; economic opportunity and rural vitality; patient-centered health care, and family life and culture.

Your thoughts and ideas about our progress are important. Please feel free to contact me. I appreciate the opportunity to serve you.


Congressman Jeff Fortenberry

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