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Academy Nominations

United States Service Academy Nomination Information 

Each year, many of America's finest young leaders matriculate to one of the United States Service Academies.  As some of the most selective institutions of higher education in the world, these academies offer young people a unique opportunity to obtain a first-class education and subsequently serve our country upon graduation as commissioned officers in the United States Military.  I am pleased to be able to partake in this process by nominating some of Arkansas's most accomplished young men and women for an appointment to one of these academies.

To be considered for an appointment to an academy, an applicant must have a nomination from an authorized nominating source.

There are two main categories of nomination.  Congressional nominations include those from the Vice President of the United States, U.S. Senators (for Arkansas, Senators Blanche Lincoln and Mark Pryor), and members of the U.S. House of Representatives.  The second, service connected nominations include the selection of the President and the appropriate service (e.g. Secretary of Army).  The President may select children of members of an armed force from active duty or Medal of Honor winners.  The Secretary of the appropriate service may nominate for appointment enlisted members of the regular and the reserve components of the appropriate service, members of the service's own Reserve Officer Training Corps programs and Junior Reserve Officer Training programs of the other services which have been designated as Honor Unit with Distinction.

Applicants may apply for and receive nominations from multiple sources.  You are encouraged to pursue as many nominations as you deem necessary.  Contact the nominators as soon as possible.  Their process of evaluation is a long arduous process.

After receiving a nomination to a specific academy, you will then be required to pass further examinations and screening to be offered an appointment.  The service academy will contact the nominee for each of the following: Educational Evaluation, Department of Defense Medical Review Board, and the Physical Aptitude.

  • Educational Evaluation
    This is a final review of scholastic endeavors.  Your high school or college grades do not cease to become important when you receive a nomination.  Your test scores, ACT or SAT, are vital to the appointment process as well.  If you believe that your test scores may improve, you are encouraged to take the test multiple times.  Both of these are important to you future success.
  • Department of Defense Medical Review Board
    Candidates will be scheduled to take a service academy qualifying examination at a military or civilian contract facility near the candidate's home.
  • Physical Aptitude Examination (PAE)
    Measuring strength, endurance, agility, and coordination, the service exams are designed to determine each candidate's readiness to undertake the rigorous athletic and physical education program at the academies.  Each academy has its own requirements.

You are to be commended on your interest in serving our country by seeking a nomination to one of the United States service academies.

Eligibility Requirements

Each applicant for nomination must meet the following eligibility requirements as of July 1st of the year of admission to an academy.

  • Age:  Be at least 17 years old, but not have passed the 23rd birthday. 
  • Citizenship:  Must be a U.S. citizen.
  • Marital status:  Must be unmarried, not pregnant, and have no legal obligation to support children or other dependents.
  • Residence:  Must reside within the boundaries of the 4th Congressional District of Arkansas.

Nomination Procedures

The requirements for nomination include:  a completed Nomination Application, three completed Evaluation Forms, a copy of Official School Transcripts (High School, college if applicable), ACT and/or SAT Test Scores, and successful completion of a candidate Interview.

Candidates can complete a Nomination Application by clicking here, or on the link below.  NOTE:  The Nomination Application must be filled in completely for consideration.  It is the responsibility of each candidate to ensure that the application is complete and submitted by November 7. 

All materials should be submitted to: 
Gene Higginbotham
Office of Congressman Mike Ross
Re: Service Academy Nominations
2300 W. 29th Avenue, Suite 1A
Pine Bluff, AR  71603

You can also email Gene Higginbotham regarding the Academy Nomination process by clicking here.

It is important to note that all required documentation sent to me is maintained in my office and is not forwarded to the Academy.  You must also remember to complete and submit the requisite admissions application to your academy of choice.  It is your responsibility to ensure that the institutions to which you are applying open an admissions file for you.

Service academy applications can be requested by writing to the address above or by filling out an online application form.

Once you have successfully completed an online application form, you will be sent a confirmation email as well as your three evaluation forms to be completed.


In order to be considered for nomination, your complete application and all required documents (transcripts, test scores, etc.) must be received by our office by November 7. The items may be delivered by postal mail to the address listed.  The candidate file will be incomplete after this deadline and will no longer be eligible for consideration for the entering class.

Selection Criteria

Nominations are based on a "whole person" evaluation and my staff will review all completed applications and make recommendations.  Selections will be made on the basis of academic factors, leadership potential, physical fitness, extracurricular activities, and an interview.  It is important that you keep me updated on any additional information you have that would affect your evaluation.  This may include improved test scores, unreported activities, or honors and awards.

Withdrawing Your Request

Should you decide for any reason that you no longer wish to pursue a nomination after you have opened a file with my office, please notify me in writing.  Staff time and resources are spent on maintaining candidates' files thus your courtesy in advising me of a wish to withdrawal is appreciated.

The Academies

The following academies all require a nomination from an authorized nominating source.  

U.S. Air Force Academy
Colorado Springs, CO 80840 

USAFA Admissions

The U.S. Military Academy
West Point, NY 10996 

USMA Admissions
The U.S. Merchant Marine Academy
Kings Point, NY 11024

USMMA Admissions

The U.S. Naval Academy
Annapolis, MD 21402-5000 

USNA Admissions

The Coast Guard Academy
The U.S. Coast Guard Academy in New London, Connecticut, is the only one of the armed service academies that no longer requires Congressional application.  If you are interested in applying to the Coast Guard Academy, please write to: Director of Admissions, U.S. Coast Guard Academy, New London, CT 06320.

Academy Application ( 06/05/08 01:49 PM PST )