Circular Letter No. 384

May 31, 1994

TO: Printing and Publishing Officials of the Federal Government

SUBJECT: Bulk Storage

The purpose of this letter is to offer services for temporary or long-term storage of palletized materials at the Government Printing Office's (GPO) Superintendent of Documents storage and distribution facility located in Laurel, Maryland. Information products (hard copy publications, microfiche, CD-ROM's, etc.) and paper supplies which are properly identified, packaged, and palletized in accordance with GPO specifications will be received, stored, and retrieved upon demand on a reimbursable basis. Inventory control will be maintained by an automated inventory system, and a computer-generated printout of bulk inventory levels can be supplied once a month (or upon request) at no additional charge.

Agency representatives who are interested in procuring storage services from the Laurel facility should direct their inquiry to the Chief of the Consigned Branch at 301-953-1212, or write:

Chief, Consigned Branch
U.S. Government Printing Office
8610 Cherry Lane
Laurel, Maryland 20707
Facsimile 301-317-5897

Upon receipt of your request indicating the total number of line items and cartons to be stored, GPO will furnish a cost estimate for 1 year of service based on the current price schedule ($13.50 a month for storage per pallet, $7.15 for the receipt of each line item, $7.75 for the issuance of each line item).

Distribution activities will be charged at the rate of $30 per hour. You will also be furnished billing information, the appropriate form, and other materials that will assist GPO in providing this service to you.


Departmental Account Representative Division


Questions or comments regarding this service? Contact


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