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Press Releases

» Hoyer Statement on Terrorist Attacks in Mumbai, November 27, 2008
My thoughts and prayers are with the people of Mumbai, our friends throughout all of India, and their concerned loved ones in the United States.

» Hoyer Applauds President-Elect Obama’s Nominations for OMB, November 25, 2008
Today’s economic announcement from President-elect Obama indicated that he is serious about ending the fiscal recklessness that has characterized the Bush Administration.

» Hoyer Statement on President-Elect Obama’s Economic Team, November 24, 2008
For months now, the historic scope of our economic crisis has been clear to all Americans. Our financial markets have seen great turmoil, leading millions of Americans to fear for the security of their savings, pensions, and retirements.



» On Fox News Discussing the Automotive Rescue Plan and the Incoming Obama Administration, November 23, 2008
I'm not talking about numbers right now, Chris. We're going to have to determine that. But clearly, we need to have stimulus and help for those -- not the big corporations, but those struggling with losing their jobs, losing their ability to put food on their tables...

» On Fox News Speaking about the Auto Industry and Challenges Facing the New Congress, November 20, 2008
There's no question we have pressure. We've been given substantial majority in the house and senate and we have a democratic president, barack obama and the public is expecting the change they want to see in their country and as a result I think we have a heavy responsibility and we'll work hard to meet that responsibility...

» Exchange with Kay Bailey Hutchison on the Automaker Aid Bill on Bloomberg, November 19, 2008
Trying to stabilize the bad statistics that are coming and more importantly the bad realities of lost jobs, lost employment, lost health care, that stabilizing the financial markets clearly was an objective. But also stabilizing the auto industry which is critical to our country's health is also very important...


Statements and Speeches

» Hoyer Speaks at National Press Club on Historic Election, Congressional Agenda, November 18, 2008

» Hoyer: An Emergency Like This Calls for the Courage to Compromise, October 03, 2008
On Monday, the salient dividing line in this House was not between parties: It was between those who understood the dangers of doing nothing, and those who had yet to be convinced.



» Now for the Hard Part, October 04, 2008
In the end, the system worked, in its own halting, imperfect way. Now, we can only hope that the $700 billion package passed by the House of Representatives and signed into law by the president yesterday performs the hoped-for trick of unlocking the credit markets and averting economic disaster.

» Why the Bank Bill Should Pass, October 03, 2008
Few days in the 27 years I've served in Congress were as remarkable as Monday. It's not every day that Republicans second Barney Frank. It's not every day that Democrats stand and cheer for Minority Leader John Boehner.


Issue Spotlights

» Democrats Welcome President-Elect Obama's Economic Team, November 24, 2008
Democratic Leaders welcome the President-elect Obama's President-elect Obama’s nominations to his economic team

» Democrats Hold Auto Industry Accountable, Demand Plan for Viability, November 20, 2008
Congressional Democrats held a press conference today stating they will hold the auto industry accountable to the American People and demand they provide a plan for viability.