Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

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Disclosure of CIA Agent Identity

On July 14, 2003, columnist Robert Novak wrote an op-ed that appeared in the Chicago-Sun-Times, the Washington Post, and many other major newspapers publicly identifying Valerie Plame -- the wife of Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson -- as a covert CIA agent. Mr. Novak's column cited "two senior administration officials" as the source of the information. (Source: Robert D. Novak, The Mission to Niger, Chicago-Sun Times [July 14, 2003].)

Rep. Waxman has called for Government Reform Committee hearings on whether White House officials breached national security law by disclosing the identity of a CIA agent and has sought information from National Security Advisor Rice on how the White House responds to allegations regarding the release of classified information. Rep. Waxman and other senior members of Congress, including House Democratic Leader Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Daschle, have requested a GAO investigation into whether the White House complied with internal security procedures for protecting Valerie Plame's identity from disclosure and responding to the leak after it occurred.