Sage - http://sage.mozdev.org/
RSS and Atom feed aggregator extension for Mozilla and FireFox browsers. |
Pluck - http://www.pluck.com/
A tool that automatically retrieves RSS feeds then delivers the results for scanning and customized sorting. |
Planet - http://www.planetplanet.org/
Server software that combines several feeds together and publishes them together on one web page. |
BottomFeeder - http://www.cincomsmalltalk.com/BottomFeeder/
A Smalltalk, desktop RSS Reader. Open source, runs on Windows, Mac, and various Unix flavors. |
Feed on Feeds - http://feedonfeeds.com/
A Free PHP/MySQL based server-side RSS and Atom aggregator. All feeds are in one place, and users can read the latest news wherever they are. |
Raggle - http://www.raggle.org/
Open-source console-based RSS aggregator, written in Ruby, for Linux, Unix and Windows. Information for users and developers. |
FIRST SAY - http://vbxml.net/
Open source RSS news aggregator designed to build collections of feeds and provide a first page presentation of feeds from many sources. |
The infoRSS Project - http://inforss.mozdev.org/
A lightweight RSS, ATOM, NNTP and HTML headlines reader for Firefox, Mozilla, SeaMonkey, Netscape and Thunderbird. Download, FAQ, screen shots, and Flash movie demos. |
Feedjack - http://www.feedjack.org/
Feed aggregator written in Python and Django. Supports archives, tag clouds, multiple sites and themes. |
Yoono - http://www.yoono.com/
A RSS reader/builder integrated into a social bookmarking application based on browser bookmarks. Includes a search engine, web monitoring and sharing functions. |
myRadio - http://brainoff.com/weblog/outlines/myRadio/
Extension to Radio Userland aggregation from RSS to any data source, including XML, HTML, and SOAP. |
CafeRSS - http://barkerjr.net/webdesign/CafeRSS/
Information and download for an RSS aggregator using PHP. |
QuikView Channel Viewer and Bookmark Server - http://quikonnex.com/start/
Full channel RSS / XML viewer and bookmark server. A portable, cross-platform, sidebar application. Able to read all RSS versions. |
RSS-Planet - http://home.arcor.de/mdoege/rss-planet/
A program that displays RSS items based upon their geographical location on a map of the world. Requires xplanet or OSXplanet. |
Rocketinfo Desktop - http://www.rocketinfo.com/
Search software for finding and sharing news with integrated solid RSS newsreader. |
NewsFeed - http://home.arcor.de/mdoege/newsfeed/
A desktop RSS reader and aggregator in Python/Tk. |
Rawdog - http://offog.org/code/rawdog.html
An aggregator written in Python that supports RSS 0.9, 1.0, 2.0, CDF and Atom feeds. |
RssDisplay - http://www.decafbad.com/twiki/bin/view/Main/RssDisplay
A quick Perl CGI to render an RSS feed in HTML for use in SSI on sites. This script does that very simply, yet with a small set of configurable options. |
MyHeadlines - http://www.jmagar.com/myh4/
Content syndication search engine and news reader that can be integrated into a website running PHP and MySQL. |
TALAggregator - http://www.owlfish.com/software/TALAggregator/
Multi-user web based RSS Aggregator. Caches feeds to MySQL database, handles bad RSS, and includes template driven interface. |
Mercury News Readers - http://oracle.2question.com/rss/
Displays RSS, RDF and Atom feeds. Available as screensaver, news ticker, Internet Explorer toolbar, and feed reader application. |
phpNewsfork - http://www.borho.net/news/about.html
Browser-based news channel and Weblog interface based on PHP, XML-RPC, and RSS. It uses the XML-RPC APIs from meerkat.oreillynet.com and syndic8.com, and does not require a database. |
Rnews - http://rnews.sourceforge.net/
Server-side RSS aggregator written in php using MySQL as the back-end and uses magpierss for the RSS parser. |
Parss Project - http://weblogs.at/parss/
The general idea behind Parss is to solve the problem of countless individual (desktop) RSS viewers randomly and redundantly transferring and processing almost exactly the same set of RSS feeds. |
TheYoke - http://www.mackers.com/projects/theyoke/
A simple RSS aggregator designed for use on the UNIX command line. |