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Drake Hails President's Vision for the Future
Looks forward to building upon legislation passed by House in 2005

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Washington, Feb 1, 2006 -

Congresswoman Thelma Drake (R-VA) issued the following statement immediately after hearing President George W. Bush’s State of the Union address:

I commend the President for setting out a bold vision that will keep our nation moving forward and put younger generations on a stronger footing in what has become an increasingly more competitive global economy,” said Rep. Drake. “Whether it is at the gas pump, the classroom or the doctor’s office, the policies outlined by this President will improve the lives of all Americans.

"Once again we were reminded of our distinguished record of leadership as a nation when it comes to confronting injustice both here and abroad. We remain dedicated to the causes of peace and liberty because they are consistent with the values that we hold as Americans. In our commitment to the War on Terror, we will continue to stand up to those who promote fear and befriend those who embrace freedom and democracy.

"President Bush has acted responsibly by focusing the national spotlight on a domestic agenda that if left unattended, will adversely affect our position as a driver in the global economy. In order to succeed in this new environment, it is crucial that we provide our citizens with affordable and accessible health care, energy and educational opportunities. Many of the policy initiatives referred to by the President have already been passed by the House of Representatives, including measures to increase ethanol consumption, provide incentives for conservation, authorize association health plans and promote math and science in the classroom.

"I look forward to building on the work that this Congress began in 2005 and carrying out an agenda that will serve the interests of this generation and future generations of Americans."

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