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@SarahWurrey SPF 45 is your friend! And tequila
Watching "Young Frankenstein" for 22nd time. Still laughing at all the great scenes. I saw it first run in theatre 197? - Thanks for all the nice messages. Chelsea is home, does not have to have apendectony. Did have CAT scan
@MdFilmFestival thanks for the good wishes. No surgery, not appendix!
Thanks to all For the good wishes for Chelsea. She is choking down the barium milkshake so they can do a CAT scan to confirm.
At hospital ER with daughter. Appendicitis. Gonna be a long day for all.
@tj nice Robert Bloch rewrite!
@earbender it was like "inside the actor's studio" for music fans.TiVo season pass set!
Tonight! Sundance channel 9pm Spectacle hosted by Elvis Costello debuts. Tonight's guest Elton John. 1st rate TV
Just cracked open a magnum of Anchor Steam Holiday Brew.NOW, I can hang these lights on the porch. Skol!
@SagesseInc This will be the biggest regular season game in team history. Dress warm and savor the opportunity. You have a good friend.
Baltimore Ravens are authorized by NFL to start selling Playoff Tickets! To get a home game must win Division. Can they do it?
@guykawasaki Loved the Twitter Business post - Inspired me to fire up @Dadscarradio for Business purposes. Cheers!
Baltimore people @cafehon is on Twitter - you know what to do. Follow eat rinse repeat...
This is very well done. Too bad it had to be done at all Prop 8 - The Musical
16 Serious Questions raised by Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
@radiohannibal WOW, I had no idea she was still alive...
I promise if you follow @dadscarradio I will create an amazing new blog post at - Election night Rockefeller Center


Biz Stone noah Tony Stubblebine Evan Williams Maggie Mason seanbonner Chris MacDonald Paul Terry Walhus Clarence Wooten tommy payne Scott Beale Tom Limongello President Monteiro palmsolo Brett Petersel Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Anne Abby Alex Hillman Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Chuck Olsen Bill Palmer John Federico Jay Moonah Veronica Belmont Jim Long Pat Tom Bridge Ryan Stewart Brian Solis Paul Jones Matt Biddulph Adam Broitman Matthew
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