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Dreier Decries Democrats’ War on Jobs

December 5, 2007

WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman David Dreier (R-San Dimas, CA), Rules Committee Ranking Republican, commended a new report released today that outlines how the Democratic Majority is waging a war on American jobs, and consequently, hardworking American families. The new report details how the Democrats have consistently raised taxes, increased wasteful spending, and neglected crucial energy needs rather than working in a bipartisan way to achieve results for the American people.

“While it’s not surprising, it’s unfortunate that the first year of Democratic control of the Congress has resulted in $200 billion in tax hikes that threaten more than 16 million jobs,” Dreier said. “Democrats may praise themselves for being fiscally responsible, but their rhetoric simply doesn’t match up with the facts. The dramatic increases in wasteful spending, the unnecessary expansions on entitlements, and the practically weekly tax increases are the hallmarks of this Congress so far.

“The Majority has dawdled and the American people will be paying the price. The lack of an AMT fix will have real consequences for American families. And now they’re pushing a ‘no-energy’ energy bill that will do nothing to reduce gas prices or home fueling costs. If only the Majority would stop their war on American jobs and sit down at the table with Republicans to actually get something done, the American people would be a lot better off.”

Among the highlights of the report are:

· The House has passed $200 billion in tax increases so far this year, threatening 16 million jobs.

· The Majority has passed multiple bills that open employers up to frivolous lawsuits and make hiring new employees more difficult through job-killing mandates.

· The Majority has taken extreme measures to avoid transparency in the earmarking process, protecting wasteful spending and preventing Members from challenging it.

For more information on the Democrats’ War on Jobs, please visit