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Congressman Dreier's Earmark Requests

"Following is a list of the earmark requests Congressman Dreier submitted for the Fiscal Year 2008 appropriations bills. Pursuant to House Rules, Congressman Dreier certified to the House Appropriations Committee that he has no personal financial interest in these requests."

Dreier FY08 Appropriations Requests

Labor HHS
Arcadia Methodist Hospital - $2.323 million for equipment, and for construction of an expanded emergency department and critical care unit.

San Antonio Community Hospital - $4 million for the construction of a new emergency department containing an Intensive Care Unit.

StemCyte - $1 million to establish a large umbilical cord blood bank with racially diverse high cell dosage units for the treatment of cancer and other blood diseases.

Arcadia/Sierra Madre Joint Water Infrastructure - $2.5 million for ongoing design and construction
of water infrastructure repair and preservation. 

Energy and Water
Inland Empire Regional Water Recycling Project - $5 million for the Inland Empire Utilities Agency water recycling project which will make available 100,000 new acre feet per year of high quality recycled water for irrigation, industrial use and groundwater recharge. 

Raymond Basin Management Board - $300,000 for the Southern California Foothill Communities Water Supply Reliability Program which addresses water supply and water quality programs in the foothill communities in Los Angeles and western San Bernardino Counties.

San Gabriel Basin Restoration Fund – $15 million for ongoing clean up of perchlorate and other groundwater contamination in the San Gabriel Valley.

South Coast Air Quality Management District - $1 million for a Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEVs) Demonstration program to address three major environmental/energy issues: reducing air pollution, petroleum dependence, and greenhouse gas emissions.

City of Upland - $13 million to expand its existing Upland Basin to provide greater flood control retention and groundwater aquifer recharge capacities. 

Alameda Corridor East - $20 million for ongoing grade separation construction and safety upgrades at railroad crossings throughout the San Gabriel Valley and Inland Empire. 

Foothill Transit - $10 million for ongoing construction of park-and-ride structures to encourage transit use. 

Gold Line Foothill Extension - $1.2375 million for the Gold Line’s Transit Oriented Development project to assess transit oriented intensities around each of the Phase II stations. 

City of La Cañada Flintridge - $7 million for the construction of soundwalls along Interstate-210.

New Bedford Panoramex (NBP) - $12 million for procurement and installation of the Integrated Control and Monitoring Systems (monitoring/lights/safety equipment) at airports with highest need. 

City of Monrovia - $3.2 million for the Monrovia Transit Village project. 

City of Montclair - $3 million for the grade separation between Ramona Avenue and the Union Pacific railroad tracks.

City of Rancho Cucamonga/San Bernardino Associated Governments - $1.5 million for ongoing improvements to the Interstate-15/Base Line Road Interchange.

Commerce Justice State
City of Claremont - $2 million for equipment for the Claremont police station and emergency operations center (EOC). 

Jet Propulsion Laboratory, La Canada Flintridge – requested specific language for ongoing missions at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory including the Mars Exploration Program, the Space Interferometry Mission (SIM-Planet Quest), the study of Outer Planets, the Earth Science Mission (InSAR), and the overall NASA Science Mission Directorate. 

State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) – support full funding at the authorized amount of $950 million for Fiscal Year 2008.  This program, which reimburses state and local governments for the costs of incarcerating criminal aliens, is vital to Border States such as California which incarcerate a disproportionately high share of undocumented criminal aliens.

Financial Services
Los Angeles County Fairplex Trade and Conference Center - $1 million for domestic and international trade and commerce programs, expositions and education in traditional trades. 

Foreign Operations
House Democracy Assistance Commission - $2.3 million in continued funding through the Economic Support Fund to support the work of the House Democracy Assistance Commission. 

Advanced Projects Research, Inc., La Verne - $5.2 million for the Wavelength Agile spectral Harmonic Oxygen Sensor and Cell Level Battery Controller.  The battery controller is a small device that will be placed on individual batteries to greatly extend the life of those batteries and eliminate the need for constant recharging.  The oxygen sensor eliminates the possibility of mixing oxygen and other gases in an aircraft fuel tank, which can cause an aircraft to explode. 

Athena ISG/GTXtreme, Rancho Cucamonga - $5 million for the Wireless Vital Signs Monitor (WVSM).  The WVSM is a triage medical monitor that measures non-invasive blood pressure, pulse rate, blood oxygen levels and Electrocardiogram (ECG). 

Bio Cybernetics International, La Verne - $3 million for procurement of the Mechanical Advantage Tourniquets (MAT).  The MAT is an advanced design simultaneous circumferential compression tourniquet that is easy to use and can be applied rapidly and secured using one-hand in less than 10 seconds. 

Chang Industry, La Verne - $8 million for FCLAS for Thin-Skinned Vehicles, an Active Protection System.  FCLAS engages and destroys incoming threats, like RPG threats, attacking light tactical and combat vehicles.

City of Hope National Medical Center, Duarte - $6 million for the Advanced Molecular Medicine Initiative (AMMI), which is an innovative molecular-targeted therapy for a more effective and less toxic cancer treatment.  AMMI revolutionized the treatment of cancer and toxic exposures such as biological and chemical agents, by targeting drugs specifically to the affected cells, rather than the conventional approach to treat the entire body.

Gentex Corporation, Rancho Cucamonga - $7 million for procurement of MBU 20/P Oxygen Masks with Mask Lights for Air Force pilots.  These night vision-capable masks have mask lights that may be turned on and off by the tongue or lower lip, enabling pilots to keep their hands on cockpit controls during critical nighttime missions.

Tanner Research, Monrovia - $5 million for the Micro Seeker System for Small Steerable Projectiles, which is a sensor system that uses small munitions to track and destroy incoming threats like mortars and artillery rounds.