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House Approves Wartime Supplemental Spending Bill

May 24, 2002

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congressman David Dreier (R-San Dimas), Chairman of the House Rules Committee, voted early this morning to approve a war time supplemental spending bill that will provide additional resources for the war on terror, homeland security efforts and the rebuilding of New York City. The 2002 Supplemental Appropriations Act for Further Recovery From and Response To Terrorist Attacks on the United States, H.R. 4775, was approved with bipartisan support, 280-138.

“We know our war against terror is far from over,” Dreier said. “It’s critically important that we provide our military, intelligence and law enforcement officials with the resources they need to find terrorists and prevent them from attacking us again. This bill sends a strong signal to the world - we will win our war on terror and we are working hard to prevent another September 11th.”

Key elements in the bill include:

  • $15.77 billion for military efforts, including $7.2 billion for ongoing military operations and $4.3 billion for personnel costs;
  • $5.8 billion for expanded homeland security efforts including improving security in our ports, energy facilities, and airports;
  • $175 million in grants for “first responders” like local fire and police departments; and,
  • $5.5 billion for assistance to New York for their continuing cleanup and rebuilding efforts.

Dreier noted that he worked to include special language accompanying the bill that will ensure the funding allocated for local first responders will actually make it the local level through state-wide strategic plans that will be formulated by state and local officials. “For the first time in history, our local law enforcement and emergency agencies are on the front lines of a global conflict,” Dreier said. “We must ensure they have what they need to defend America at the local level.”