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DJ playing worst house remix ever, Fast Car by Tracy Chapman. The plight of the working class, now with more oontz oontz
At cheesy bottle service club in Miami w stripper pole and about 5 people in attendence. Will they play Womanizer?
Grace and I are the only people in the 330 showing of Four Christmases. Loud talking and obnoxiousness commence!
Going to see the goth fashion exhibit at FIT with Gracie. Surrounded by 20 yos w flatironed hair and gays w small dogs.
Why is the Britney documentary not on the torrents yet??!! LINK PLZ
I love walnut-raisin chubbies from Zanos. I save them for Amtrak and Metro-North trips because Zanos only exists at train stations.
I hate Google SearchWiki. Cranky today. I guess if I'm going to grump at anything, Google can handle it better than, say, my boyfriend.
Double-feature NYC 80's movies: Ghostbusters & Secret of My Success. Former: awesome. Latter: synth, montages, flashbacks and extra cheese.
Reaching saturation point with soulless, vapid, SUV-full, 70s Colonial split-level suburbia! Only + : awesome Italian
Poptastic soundtrack on iPod for Metro North to Mom's house: Lady Gaga, Pink and the BBC (Britney Beyonce Christina)
Watchmen panel is discussing "The Crow" (1994). Hands up if this movie disproportionately influenced your 90s alternateen aesthetic. #foe3
*yawn* Finally slept 9 hours yay! Maybe I beat jet lag. Maybe not; couldn't remember if that word was beat, beet or bet.
Slavin: 40% of 30 year olds watch TV and surf on laptop at the same time. #foe3
At Futures of Entertainment conference at MIT. Great stuff on value, status, consumption. Jenkins rocks as always. I moderate this PM. #foe3
Hey American Airlines, $15 for FIRST checked bag is disgusting, with low fuel costs what's your excuse? AVOID.
Blerg. Digg meetup last night amazing but went to bed way too late. Today: flight to Boston. Also: pay $115 library fine yeesh
Just saw Beatriz Morino, the former prime minister and current ombudswoman of Peru, talk. She's very real and funny.
@futileboy not mutually exclusive!
Is bacon a meme?
Dear New York, I'm afraid I'm falling out of love. You just can't satisfy me like SF. 80 degrees in November? You shouldn't have!


Evan Williams Ian McKellar Sharon ario endquote Dennis Crowley Buzz Andersen danah boyd Mary Hodder seanbonner Xeni Jardin Nick Douglas Tara missrogue Hunt Hillary Hartley Michael Sharon Buster McLeod Thomas Vander Wal Aubrey Sabala Cameron Walters George Kelly harryh Cameron Marlow amanda kelso Alex Rainert Daniel Newman Jackson Fox Kevin Cheng Tantek Çelik Leslie Chicoine DutchAsHell Lee LeFever Josh Russell Manlio Lo Conte Justin Hall merci Ryan King
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