
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

time running out to apply for disaster assistance

By Senator Tom Harkin

While I am working hard in Congress to secure additional disaster funding for Iowa, I want to encourage individuals and businesses hurt by last spring’s tornadoes and floods, to register with FEMA now to ensure they can access dollars already in the pipeline.  If you think you might qualify for federal assistance, you must register by the end of September.

Many counties have been declared federal disaster areas.  People in those counties who suffered losses due to the natural disasters must register with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) before September 29.  Iowans can register by visiting a disaster recovery office, applying by phone (1-800-621-3362), or visiting  Phone registration hours are seven days a week, 7 a.m. to midnight.  Before applying, Iowans should have a phone number, address of the damaged property, social security number, bank account information, insurance information and a current mailing address.  There are many different kinds of assistance available, so it is important that Iowans file an application in order to determine what help they can obtain.

After registration, applicants will receive a call from the FEMA housing inspector. The inspector does not determine whether a registrant is eligible for assistance, nor the amount of assistance an individual may receive.  Those impacted do not need to wait for the inspector to arrive before making repairs. Photos, contractor estimates, and receipts can be provided to FEMA inspectors to document the extent of the damage.

I want to assure Iowans that I am continuing to work in the Senate to secure the disaster funding our state needs and deserves. As a senior member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, I was successful in helping to secure initial funding of $2.65 billion for disaster recovery in Iowa and across the Midwest, and I will continue to work to secure a second, much larger package of aid before Congress adjourns later this month.

Iowans are welcome to call one of my local offices (in Des Moines, Davenport, Cedar Rapids, Dubuque, and Sioux City) if they have any questions about disaster assistance. Beth Freeman in my Cedar Rapids office is coordinating my office’s recovery effort and is an expert in how the application process works. Beth can be reached by calling 319-365-4504.