National Surface Transportation Policy and Revenue Study Commission

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About the Commission : Mission & Objectives

The US surface transportation system links Americans to each other and to the world.  This enormous network of highways, ports, freight and passenger railroads and transit systems is vital to America’s economy, security and way of life.  It is currently the best surface transportation system in the world – the challenge now is to ensure that it remains the best in the future.

Congress created The National Surface Transportation Policy and Revenue Study Commission in 2005 under Section 1909 of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act—A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU).  The Commission was created because, as Congress declared, “it is in the national interest to preserve and enhance the surface transportation system to meet the needs of the United States for the 21st century.”

The Commission is comprised of 12 members, representing:  Federal, state and local governments; metropolitan planning organizations; transportation-related industries; and public interest organizations.  The Commission is working to examine not only the condition and future needs of the nation's surface transportation system, but also short and long-term alternatives to replace or supplement the fuel tax as the principal revenue source to support the Highway Trust Fund over the next 30 years.

The Commission expired on July 7, 2008. This website is being maintained for historical purposes.

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