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GOOGLE READER LOOKS DIFFERENT. i leave the internet for one week..
return of the jedi AND return of the king are on TV
@AudaiShakour a little bit of both. terps didn't show up today - georgetown embarrassed us.
@AudaiShakour ESPN needs less duke grads. jay bilas is bad enough
now watching Maryland vs. Georgetown. not going so well so far - you know Gary wants to win this one.
RT @AlexRedmond: In the past 7 games flacco has thrown 11 tds and 2 ints. The ravens are 8-4. Impressive
mark clayton has since added a touchdown pass and ANOTHER ridiculous long touchdown catch to his totals for the day.
mark clayton has two ridiculous catches today. one of the announcers just said "the unflappable joe flacco." #ravens #alliteration
My best friend is engaged
basically my night tomorrow night
only had a chance to catch about a quarter of MNF, and i saw the ball change hands like ten times. i love it
@DoubleEntendre At least McNabb is starting again. How about a Reid firing? TrueHoop doesn't like the Jordan fire either
@shellen How about a Garfield Minus Garfield comic strip? Can't get much worse than that.
@JasonPeck I haven't read it, but I hear it's a notoriously difficult read. Lots of footnotes.
spending the day processing the new killers' album. this band has identity crisis issues
@RoniDrama link didn't work, but here's hoping that that was the video for ruby ruby ruby ruby soho
@tgpo haha, good point. thanks for the recommendations, i'll check em out
RT @dcconcierge: The taxi stands in Adams Morgan went into effect this wkd. No more cabbies allowed on the main drag!
want to apologize for inferring earlier that @RoniDrama listened to blink-182 in her skate rat phrase. veronica was too cool for pop-punk
RT @THE_REAL_SHAQ: Everyone was born a genius, i only kept mine a few minutes, lol


Hook sara Livia ilona jason_g Lars ario Josh Kopelman oof Jason Shellen Jerry Michalski hans.gerwitz Scott Fegette Matt Galligan Jerry Richardson danah boyd Grant Shellen Brian Walsh seanbonner May Woo Kevin Fox Paul Morriss Ian Hay Aaron Bailey Paul Terry Walhus Derek Gathright Jorge Mir Bill Palmer Jim Long Eric Maldonado Andy Kaufman  C.C. Chapman Derek Robert Scoble photomatt giovanni
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