DC office closes Nov 25

News List

  • Drake Announces Federal Funding for Local Firefighters
    Feb 6, 2006  - Congresswoman Thelma Drake (R-VA) announced today that the Norfolk Fire & Rescue Company was awarded $129,888 in federal grant money through the Department of Homeland Security’s Fire 2005 Prevention and Safety Grant Program (FP&S). Also receiving federal funding in 2005 were the local fire ... More
  • Drake Hails President's Vision for the Future
    Feb 1, 2006  - Congresswoman Thelma Drake (R-VA) issued the following statement immediately after hearing President George W. Bush’s State of the Union address: “I commend the President for setting out a bold vision that will keep our nation moving forward and put younger generations on a stronger footing in wh... More
  • Drake Votes to Strengthen America’s Borders
    Dec 17, 2005  - Congresswoman Thelma Drake (R-VA) issued the following statement yesterday after the House approved H.R. 4437, the Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Act, by a 239-182 vote: “For too long we have failed to address our nation’s porous borders, making us more vulnerable to t... More