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Drake Leads Call for Moment of Reflection to Remember Sacrifices of American Fighting Men and Women

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Washington, Mar 14, 2006 -

Congresswoman Thelma Drake (VA-02) took the House floor to lead the chamber in a moment of reflection to remember the sacrifices of the fighting men and women who protect this nation and the ideals which it stands for throughout the world:

"Mr. Speaker, House Resolution 698 calls on all Americans to take a moment and reflect on the sacrifices that our young men and women in the United States military make every single day.

"I am honored to support this resolution. Today, we stand here - not as Republicans or Democrats - not as liberals, or conservatives - but as Americans, able to put our differences aside and remember the commitment and sacrifices of those who are willing to go into harm’s way to preserve the very freedoms we sometimes take for granted.

"As a Member of the House Armed Services Committee, I sometimes have the great distinction of traveling with my colleagues and meeting and listening to these brave men and women. And in talking with these young men and women, I can never help but to come away inspired by the strength of their convictions.

"Last year, I was honored to fly aboard the USS Roosevelt as it was preparing for its recent deployment and spend the night aboard the massive aircraft carrier. It was there that I was able to see first-hand the thousands of 17, 18 and 19 year-olds who transform the Roosevelt from a floating piece of metal into the most powerful tool of American foreign policy.

"I gained a deeper understanding of the sacrifices that these young sailors endure in defense of our nation. Many of them will work on that flight deck and in the bowels of the ship for 17-hour days, enduring a heat much worse than what we ever experience on a summer day in Washington. And when they finally get some rest at the end of a long and grueling day, it is in cramped quarters with little or no privacy.

"I was astounded by the dedication, professionalism and heart of the young men and women who make up her crew. They truly give me hope that the legacy of the Greatest Generation lives on in the spirit of our youth.

"Mr. Speaker, this past weekend, the Theodore Roosevelt came home to Norfolk, which I proudly represent, at the end of its six month deployment to the Middle East, where it launched over 5,000 sorties in support of the Global War on Terror. This resolution is for those brave sailors.

"This resolution is for all the brave men and woman who have, time and time again, answered the call and proudly served this Nation when its principles and values have come under attack. They have never wavered in their defense of freedom and their sacrifice should never be forgotten, least of all by us here in Washington.

"I would like to thank Mr. Knollenberg for introducing this very important resolution and for his commitment and dedication to our fighting men and women. Thank you and I reserve the balance of my time."

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