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@ stocktwits sorry for my lite tweeting, still in denial spending Gs in $DIS
$$ market so indecisive, fundies all say Lower but people cant emotionally handle getting there
i simultaneously love and hate that 11 OC Comics went on without me last night
@dasan you and i see eye 2 eye quite a bit but i dont get luv of $amzn
$adbe a nice long term winner at these levels but hard to argue the time to buy is now
$T laying off 12K, times r tuff
@atask its been 3 weeks, nouriel has gotten incrementally bearish since the dinner
$nok lowering forecast 3 weeks after last lower...death by 1000 cuts personified
$ORCL quarterly chatter is rampant. Will it matter that they eeked it out?
$XRTX miss was well short of where I [and stock] indicated it would be
$ADBE has been on my radar, was hoping for a miss so I could start building position, not sure miss was big enough though
Lots of entertaining stuff whilst vacationing...Bill Miller calling bottom is an effing JOKE [biggest reason to ++ more shorts in weeks] $$
One downside to Twitter is hard to jump in and out sporadically without losing a ton of context, but $DIS continues to rock
why is $rimm buying an elliptical encryption company?
@cselland we better not have stronger $$$ or we're in a lot of trouble
$CRM might be close to a buy again, Goldman put it on Conviction Sell list today
the disney lego store makes even me want to fall back into rampant unbridled consumption!!! $DIS
$TSRA gets crushing ITC decision, rode that pig down for a bit but bounced and thankful for it


Chris Sacca Ross Michael Parekh Susan Scrupski sadagopan Ben Casnocha cote Craig Cmehil James Governor dan mcweeney Dennis Howlett Kevin Rose Jon Steinberg Andy Swan Charlie Wood jd stein Michael Arrington Gabe Rivera marshallk BrianReed Mathew Ingram John Furrier Conor Kilpatrick Fred Wilson Greg Reinacker Sandy Kemsley Mike Masnick Thomas Otter Neil Patel MissTrade Trading Goddess Paul Kedrosky dan farber Alex Iskold Yaser Anwar Robert Passarella
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