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NEWS from




Witness List

and Rep. Helen Chenoweth-Hage's Statement

House Veterans' Affairs Committee Chairman Bob Stump (R-AZ) invites American Legion officials to begin their legislative presentation.  He was joined by other lawmakers, including Senator Strom Thurmond (R-SC) and Rep. Steve Buyer (R-IN).


Senator Larry Craig (R-ID) introduces another Idahoan, newly elected American Legion National Commander Alan G. "Al" Lance.


Joining National Commander Lance and Senator Craig at the witness table were other American Legion officials, from left, Steve Robertson, National Legislative Director; John Brieden, National Legislative Chairman;Chet Stellar of the National Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation Commission; and Carroll Williams, National Veterans and Rehabilitation Director.
Legionnaires from across the country heard National Commander Lance's presentation.  Among them was his predecessor, previous National Commander Harold L. "Butch" Miller of Virginia, right foreground.
Chairman Stump and Rep. Terry Everett (R-AL) listen to Rep. Buyer welcome legionnaires from Indiana.
Another member of the House Veterans' Affairs Committee, Rep. Michael Simpson (R-ID) recalls serving with National Commander Lance
in the Idaho legislature.
Rep. Ronnie Shows (D-MS) listens as Rep. Ciro Rodriguez (D-TX) makes a point during the American Legion presentation.


National Legislative Director Roberts takes notes while National Legislative Chairman Brieden listens to National Commander Lance conclude his remarks.