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NEWS from Hearing on Veterans Employment and Training 
Service (VETS) program effectiveness and strategic planning

Opening Statement of Honorable Terry Everett

Closing Statement of Honorable Terry Everett

Remarks of Honorable Lane Evans

Remarks of Honorable Corrine Brown 

Witness List and Statements


At left, Sigurd R. Nilsen, Associate Director of Education, Workforce, and Income Security Issues for the Health, Education, and Human Services Division of the U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO) gave the opening testimony at Wednesday's Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee hearing.   He was accompanied by Assistant. Director C. Jeff Appel.  At Right, Kenneth McGill, Associate Commissioner of the Employment Support Program, testified on behalf of the Social Security Administration.

The nature of the issues explored at Wednesday's hearing led Chairman Terry Everett (R-AL) to have witnesses testify under oath.  Chairman Everett here swears in witness Espiridion (Al) Borrego, the Department of Labor's Assistant Secretary for Veterans Employment and Training.

The third panel consisted of, from left, Rick Weidman, Director of Government Relations, Vietnam Veterans of America; Anthony Eiland, Special Assistant for Veterans Employment, Veterans of Foreign Wars; Theodore Daywalt, President and CEO,; George Boggs, President, American Association of Community Colleges; and Raymond Boland, Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs and Legislative Chairman of the National Association of State Directors of Veterans Affairs.

Secretary Borrego, left, listens as Chairman Everett, right, poses a question and Ranking Democratic Member Corrine Brown (D-FL) reviews written statements.