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Joint Hearing of the House and Senate Veterans' Affairs Committees to Receive the Legislative Presentations of NCOA, PVA, JWV, and the BVA
March 4, 1999

Witness List and Statements

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House Veterans' Affairs Committee Member Vic Snyder of Arkansas (center) makes a point, while Rep. Silvestre Reyes of Texas, left, and Chairman Bob Stump of Arizona listen.

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Reps. Shelley Berkeley of Nevada, Ronnie Shows of Mississippi, and Vic Snyder of Arkansas listen to the legislative presentations.

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Rep. Corrine Brown of Florida thanks one of the panels for their efforts on behalf of veterans.

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The legislative presentation of the Non Commissioned Officers Association was made by President/CEO Roger W. Putnam (center), who was introduced by Congressman Mike Bilirakis of Florida (to Putnam's right).   Also pictured are, from left, M. Wayne Smith, Executive Vice President; Dick Johnson, Executive Director of Government Affairs; and Larry Rhea, Deputy Director of Government Affairs

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Homer Townsend (second from left), National President of Paralyzed Veterans of America, presents PVA's legislative priorities.  Other PVA panel members are, from left, Richard Fuller, National Legislative Director; Gordon Mansfield, Executive Director; and, Douglas Vollmer, Associate Executive Director/Government Relations.

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National Commander Michael Berman of Jewish War Veterans addresses the Committee.  Flanking him are Harvey Friedman, left, President of the JWV National Museum; and right, Mark Greenberg, President of JWV Descendants.

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Blinded Veterans Association National Vice President Robert Smith, left, and Executive Director Thomas Miller, right, listen as National President Elizabeth Carr presents BVA's legislative agenda.